Human rights and gender equality in development evaluation – What capacity is needed? ENABLING ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTIONS INDIVIDUALS DEMAND SUPPLY PARTNERCOUNTRIES FINLAND
Human rights and gender equality in development evaluation – What does it take to make it happen? ENABLING ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTIONS INDIVIDUALSDEMANDSUPPLY PARTNERCOUNTRIES FINLAND Finland’s development policy 2012 = HRBA & gender Training for staff and consultant = Knowledge, skills, will New evaluation manual 2013 = HRBA & gender ?
Shared framework for NECD UNEG Chair and UNEG NECD TF Co-chair WB VP and DG IEG OECD/DAC EvalNet NECD TF chair IOCE President
Human rights and gender equality in development evaluation – What capacity is needed within the UN? ENABLING ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTIONS INDIVIDUALS DEMAND SUPPLY
Enabling environment SYSTEM-WIDE Policy: CEB System-Wide Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (2006) Accountability system: UN System Wide Action Plan on Gender and UN Women’s Coordination Role (2012), including UN SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator Annual reporting Opportunities to raise senior management attention: Joint evaluation of Joint Gender Programmes (UNW, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, MDG-F, Spain, Norway) Joint meta-analysis of gender mainstreaming, results and evaluation systems (interested?) AGENCY-SPECIFIC: Board demand for HR&GR (Finland) Gender-responsive Evaluation Policy (UNW) Meta-evaluation system, including HR&GE (UNW) Annual report on evaluation function – including HR&GE - to Board
Institutional capacity SYSTEM-WIDE (Norms & Standards, operationalized by guidance and systems) UNEG Norms & Standards, including HR&GE HR&GE as the 6 th evaluation criteria UNEG TF on HR&GE UNEG guidance on HR&GE Manages UN SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator reporting system, including guidance and training 2014 piloting and revision/finalization AGENCY-SPECIFIC: Meta-evaluation system, including HR&GE (UNW)
Individual capacity SYSTEM-WIDE E-learning on HR&GE in partnership with EvalPartners (and EvalNet?) AGENCY-SPECIFIC: Internal training
Human rights and gender equality in development evaluation – What capacity is needed with partners countries? ENABLING ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTIONS INDIVIDUALS DEMAND SUPPLY
An international collaborative initiative with 34 key partners and others still joining
Centrality of HR&GE in Chiang Mai Declaration
Enabling environment GLOBAL (HR&GE central) EvalPartners Advocacy Strategy 2015 declared as International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear) International NEC Conference, Brazil UNEG UN SG speech at 2013 UN Evaluation week UN Resolution (process with regional groups – including WEOG - more important) Global EvalYear event in 2015 LOCAL (HR&GE central) Regional and national EvalYear declarations (by VOPEs): Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Kenya, Israel, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines, Romenia, Slovenia, Thailand Afrea, EvalMena, CoE, ReLAC, etc South Asia Parliamentarian Forum Public Hearing at the European Parliament (Led by EES)
Institutional capacity GLOBAL Advocacy for evaluation toolkit Mapping of National Evaluation Policies Guide on engendering National Evaluation Policies and systems LOCAL: Technical assistance to engendering National Evaluation Polices and systems in Latin America and Caribbean and South Asia Peer to Peer mutual support programme ( 25 projects with 30 national & 6 regional VOPEs) Innovation Challenge (5 selected) Peer to Peer mutual support programme Innovation Challenge
Individual capacity GLOBAL E-learning on advocacy for evaluation MyM&E, Knowledge management system which include electronic resource center on HR&GE (2 million hits) LOCAL: F2F training on advocacy for evaluation
In conclusion: 1. Policy, accountability framework, training, reporting 2. Strengthen policy makers attention – Creating opportunities for engagement 3. Join forces creating synergies based on the specific comparative advantage of each stakeholders: – EvalPartners (EvalNet, Finland, USA, Spain, Switzerland) – UNEG Strategic Objective 4 on partnership (with EvalNet, ECG, EvalPartners)