Tulsa Community College Benchmark Data
Table of Contents Student Cohort Profile Goal 1: Developmental courses Goal 2: Gatekeeper courses Goal 3: Complete courses successfully Goal 4: Re-enrollment (persistence) Goal 5: Completions
TCC Cohort Profile Fall 2004 Cohort 1,972 First-time to TCC Students *includes students who withdrew after final add/drop date (All statistically significant differences are calculated at the 95% confidence level or higher.)
Campus of Primary Attendance
Enrollment Status 47% of cohort took 12 credit hours during entry semester.
Degree Type *at entry semester
Financial Aid $1700 average during entry semester.
Academic Preparation 60% reported ACT scores; average ACT composite score = % were tested for remedial needs 18% enrolled in developmental English/writing 29% enrolled in developmental reading 67% enrolled in developmental math
Successfully complete developmental courses and progress to credit-bearing courses (success = “C” or better)
30% 40% 17% 13% Developmental Placement (based on entry-level assessment)
83% 6% 11% Writing Placement (based on entry-level assessment) 218
Reading Placement (based on entry-level assessment) 71% 13%16%
Math Placement (based on entry-level assessment) 33% 2% 7% 58%
Where are our students succeeding?
Success Rate with a “C” or Better (based on number of attempts) Intermediate Algebra…………….45% Beginning Algebra……………….49% Basic Math..………………………63% Writing II..…………………………61% Writing I……………………………65% Reading II………………………….64% Reading I ………………………….64%
Who is succeeding with a “C” or better?
Developmental Course Success by Gender
Intermediate Algebra Success (based on number of attempts) 248
Beginning Algebra Success (based on number of attempts)
Basic Math Success (based on number of attempts)
Writing II Success (based on number of attempts) 87130
Writing I Success (based on number of attempts) 79111
Reading II Success (based on number of attempts) 202
(based on number of attempts) Reading I Success (based on number of attempts) 91164
Developmental Course Success by Ethnicity
Basic Math Success (based on number of attempts)
How many students persisted from developmental coursework into College Algebra or Freshman Comp?
Persist to College Level?
Developmental Course Summary Females were significantly more successful in all developmental course work African Americans who enrolled in Basic Math faced significantly greater challenge No significant differences by age, degree type, or enrollment status Most students who required remediation did not persist to College Algebra Over half of students requiring writing remediation did persist to Freshman Comp I
Enroll in and Successfully complete gatekeeper courses (success = “C” or better)
Gatekeeper Course Success
Gatekeeper Course Success
What differences exist based on gender, ethnicity, age, enrollment status, or degree type?
Freshman Composition by Gender
Intro to Psychology by Ethnicity
Freshman Comp II by Age
American Federal Government by Age
Psychology by Enrollment Status
College Algebra by Degree Type
Gatekeeper Course Summary 10 Gatekeeper courses were identified based on enrollment frequency and/or success rate Female students were more successful in Freshman Comp I and II African Americans, and more specifically African American males were most at risk
Complete the courses taken with a grade of “C” or higher
Percent C or Higher by Gender
Percent C or Better by Ethnicity
Percent C or Better by Age
Grade Summary Females significantly more successful African Americans are less likely to attain a “C” or higher Among non-traditional student, success increases as age increases No difference was found between full-time and part-time students UT students had a higher cumulative GPA (2.43) than WD students (2.26)
Re-enroll from one semester to the next
Persist or Graduate
Persist or Graduate by Gender
Persist or Graduate by Ethnicity *The one Native Hawaiian was removed from the dataset
Persist or Graduate by Minority Ethnicity
Persist or Graduate by Degree Type
Summary of Persistence Females were significantly more likely to persist African Americans were less likely to persist from Fall to Fall and from entry semester to last Spring semester African American males were at highest risk for drop out Students years and years were most likely to persist Students with unidentified majors do not persist
Degree or Certificate Completion (within 3 years)
Total Completions over 3 years 222 Completions by 212 Students
Did they Graduate?
Graduation Rate by Number of Developmental Areas Required
Graduation Rate By Writing Placement
Graduation Rate by Reading Placement
Graduation Rate By Math Placement
Summary of Completions 212 students earned 222 degrees and certificates, yielding an 11% graduation rate (within 3 years) University Transfer majors had a higher completion rate than Workforce Development students Students needing more than one area of developmental coursework are less likely to graduate
Next Steps: What do we do with these data?
Next Steps Today: Identify and prioritize challenges to student success based on these data November: Begin to identify barriers to success related to these challenges Spring: Begin to develop interventions around these challenges
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. Albert Einstein