Akzo Nobel, Eka Chemicals Moses Lake, WA Hydrogen Pipeline providing Boiler Fuel to JR Simplot Moses Lake, WA Akzo Nobel, Eka Chemicals Moses Lake, WA
49 CFR 192.616 Public Awareness State’s the operator’s public awareness program must specifically include provisions to educate the public, appropriate government organizations and persons engaged in excavation related activities on: Business Unit | Title
Physical indications that such a release may have occurred; 49 CFR 192.616 Public Awareness Use of one call notification system prior to excavation and other damage prevention activities; Possible hazards associated with unintended release from hydrogen pipeline facility; Physical indications that such a release may have occurred; Business Unit | Title
Procedures for reporting such an event. 49 CFR 192.616 Public Awareness Steps that should be taken for public safety in the event of a pipeline release; and Procedures for reporting such an event. Business Unit | Title
Washington One Call Use of one call notification system prior to excavation and other damage prevention activities; Akzo Nobel is registered with Washington One Call. Whenever any excavation work is completed adjacent too or near the pipeline people must call 811at least 3 days prior to beginning the excavation. Business Unit | Title
Possible Hazards Possible hazards associated with unintended release from hydrogen pipeline facility. Hydrogen, odorless, colorless, tasteless gas. The gas may cause a flash fire. May cause convulsions. May affect the central nervous system. Reduces oxygen available for breathing Business Unit | Title
Physical Indications A pipeline marker is damaged Digging equipment adjacent to pipeline markers Business Unit | Title
Steps To Protect Public Safety Call 911 Call Akzo Nobel 24 hour contact Isolate for ½ mile in all directions Stay up wind of the excavated area Walk away don’t drive away, potential ignition source Keep away from all ignition sources Business Unit | Title
Procedures for Reporting Call 911 Call Akzo Nobel Akzo Nobel has detailed procedures for reporting pipeline failures. They are: Business Unit | Title
Procedures for Reporting The Akzo Nobel Pipeline Operations Managers are required to contact the Pipeline Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) at the earliest practical moment following an incident. The Akzo Nobel Pipeline Manager must report: The Akzo Nobel Pipeline Operator Identification Number # 32358; Name of person making the report and phone number; The location of the incident; The time of the incident; The number of fatalities and personal injuries, if any; and All other significant facts that are known by the operator this is relevant to the cause of the incident or extent of damages. The 24-hour Emergency Phone # for PHMSA/ Department of Transportation is: 1-800-424-8802. c. The Akzo Nobel Pipeline Operations Manager shall give notice to the Washington Utilities & Transportation Council (WUTC) emergency number within two hours of discovering an incident or hazardous condition that: Results in a fatality or personal injury requiring hospitalization; Results in damages to the property of the operator and others of a combined total exceeding $50,000; Results in an evacuation of a building, or high occupancy structure or areas; Results in the unintentional ignition of hydrogen. Results in a pipeline or system pressure exceeding the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) plus 10% or exceeds 250 psi MOP; Is significant, in the judgment of the operator, even though it does not meet the criteria of the above. d. The Akzo Nobel Pipeline Operations Manager has other reporting requirements that are less time restrictive and are located in the Hydrogen Pipeline Operations & Maintenance Manual. Business Unit | Title