The 5 Rs Dylan Taylor 9D
espect Humans today exploit the Earth. They live as if being in charge of it means doing what they please with its resources. Looking after the Earth means treating it and all it contains with respect. God calls us to do this and God warns us to encourage others to do the same. People need to change their attitude and their actions.
educe People in the US and in Europe use up fifty times more of what the earth has than people in the developing world. However, the earths resources are limited. They will run out very soon unless we change. Looking after the earth means taking from nature only what is needed. By so doing, we will make the most of the earths resources and use less energy
ecyce Much of what people throw out can be recycled. For example, over eighty per cent of household waste is packaging. We must learn to find other uses for things rather than dumping them. Looking after the Earth means doing more recycling. Littering and careless unnecessary disposal of waste are sins against Gods creation.
euse If human beings are to stop further damage to the earth, they must find new uses for things rather than throwing them out. The earth cannot cope with increasing amounts of rubbish on its own
eflect When people take quiet time and reflect and pray it is easier to live in right relationship with others, with the earth and with God. They appreciate life more and are more likely to care for the earth and for others. Looking after the earth requires time to pray and reflect. It is much harder for us to show care when we are stressed or worrying about ourselves