Anna changes school and Anna was moves into Room 14 year 6 class, she saw that there were new netball teams trying out so she went to join she loves netball, at her old school they said “Your too small to play”’ But I will try “said Anna. Th
When Anna got to where the netball team was the first netball girl said “Your way too small to play you won’t get the ball in the hoop”
Then the other netball girl said your are so small the other netball girl will kick you because you are so small!!
So Anna went to go and tell the teacher and said” The netball team won’t let me try out for the team they said I’m too small to play but they won’t let me have a go
So the teacher says to the netball girls ”Please let the new girl try out for the team I know you the big game it is not long to come but let her have one short please girls” the netball girls said “Ok”
After the teacher left the girls didn't pass the ball over to Anna once Anna is very sad.
After school Anna practices at school for a long time, Sue the coach saw Anna playing and was shocked,
The next day Sue told the team Anna is a great player,
so they let Anna join the netball team and Anna was so happy Anna was scoring and she moved into the middle of the court and she threw the ball from the middle of the court and she scored.
Then the coach Sue had a phone call it was the centres mother the centre is sick and can’t play the big game the coach said
“Anna can play as centre” said one of the netball girl the others in the team was not sure but they let her play as centre.
It was time for the big game. Anna always had the ball in her hands and always got the ball in the hoop and did not let the other team get one point the points were 30 to 0.
Anna was made team leader and Anna had won the game for the team and they lived happily ever after.