Non-Weight Bearing Lameness


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Presentation transcript:

Non-Weight Bearing Lameness John W. Gray, DVM UTCVM Large Animal Intern

History Basic information Specific information Signalment Current lameness Past lameness Specific information Type of activity Other info

Causes Subsolar abscess Fracture Septic joint, tendon sheath Penetrating injury Joint dislocation Cellulitits Quittor

Lateral Cartilages

Subsolar Absess

Non Weight Bearing Lameness Usually involves one foot/ leg Most likely cause is subsolar abscess Don’t transport until assessed by your vet

Subsolar Abscess Clinical Signs Increased digital pulse Area of sensitivity in sole Check coronary band for lesion (“Gravel”)

Subsolar Abscess Clinical Signs Swelling Sudden, severe lameness (Grade 3-4 of 5) Affected foot is warmer

Subsolar Abscess Causes Penetrating wound in white line, nail hole, or deep sub-solar bruise Cause is often not identified

Diagnosis History Clinical signs Careful paring Gray/black malodorous liquid Radiographs Poultice foot Warm foot baths

Treatment Establish drainage Soak in Epsom salt water Drawing agents Magnapaste Ichthammol Animalintex Keep Clean Bandage until defect closed NSAIDs

Subsolar Abscess Drawing agents Soaking in Epsom Salts

Subsolar Abscess Drawing agents Soaking in Epsom Salts

Subsolar Abscess Drawing agents Soaking in Epsom Salts

Subsolar Abscess Bandage with drawing agents Magna paste Icthamol

Subsolar Abscess Bandage with drawing agents Magna paste Icthamol

Subsolar Abscess Bandage with drawing agents Magna paste Icthamol

Subsolar Abscess Bandage with drawing agents Magna paste Icthamol

Subsolar Abscess Bandage with drawing agents Magna paste Icthamol

Complicated Absess

Complicated Absess

Complicated Absess

Subsolar Abscess Treatment If the coffin bone is involved… Regional anesthesia/ antibiotics Tetanus prophylaxis Soak foot in warm Epsom salt solution Aftercare depends on extent of infection & environment

Subsolar Abscess Aftercare Shoe w/ removable hospital (boiler or medicine) plate Antibiotic & analgesic therapy is seldom required

Subsolar Abscess Prognosis Usually excellent w/ uncomplicated subsolar abscess
