Survey of North West Charities BY IOFNW – JUNE 2014
Q1 – What type of charity do you work for (tick all that apply)?
Q2 - How many employees (full time equivalents work in your fundraising/development team?
Q2 (cont) - Percentage split between fundraising and admin staff?
Q3 Total income in your last financial year?
Q4 - What were the fundraising team’s annual targets for fundraising in the last financial year?
Q5 - Approx what % of income in the following categories was raised last year? Up to 5%Up to 10%Up to 20%Up to 30%Up to 40%Up to 50%Up to 60%Up to 70%Up to 80%Up to 90%Up to 100% Community & Fundraising Lotteries & Competitions2221 Legacies Direct Marketing Appeals22221 Individual Giving (inc Sponsorship) Memberships & Friends Schemes2112 Major Donor Trusts & Foundations Special Events Corporate5662 Other No of respondents for each percentage in each category
Q6 - What was your annual fundraising budget last year exc staff costs ?
Q7 - Which fundraising database do you use?
Q8 - What do you think are the key fundraising challenge? (Tick all that apply)
Q8 – Extract from Managing in a Downturn Survey 2013
Q9 - Are you planning to increase your fundraising staff base in the next few years?