Taking notes from research You will now need to get out the note cards you prepared and turn your book to page 10. I have done samples of how these should look. Please read each of the note cards as a class. You will need to use this format to do your research notes.
Mills & Stiles, p. 10 Make cards like the sample – make sure to include needed info. Note Cards Author, date & page # (from THIS book) One fact – in your own words. If exactly their words – QUOTE IT. Slug or category/ topic the fact is about Mills & Stiles, p. 10 Note Cards “Exhaust all of the data from one source before going on to another source.” If exactly their words – QUOTE IT. Mills & Stiles, p. 10 Note Cards New source – only cards for new facts (if you already have it, don’t need again).
Mills & Stiles, p. 10 Note Cards After you go through all sources & make notes on them, “sort your cards into the categories” (all cards using note cards as slug in one stack) Sort the cards within each category in the order you would write about them. Go to library/Internet to fill “gaps” in research. You should have same basic # of cards in each stack for balanced paragraphs. Mills & Stiles, p. 10 Note Cards Mills & Stiles, p. 10 Note Cards “The cards you have placed in the categories will become the body of your research paper. You can now formulate your thesis sentence and develop your outline, using the categories you have defined as the main topics.” Some times card doesn’t fit with other categories, sometimes not enough for a stack. Set to side – possible intro/concl.