If a Whole Note receives 4 beats Then a Half Note will receive? 2 Beats 3 Beats
A Receives 2 beats: it is half of a whole note.
Let’s Try That Again. Hint: half of 4 is…
A half note receives 2 beats A whole note receives 4 beats What would a quarter note receive?
A Quarter Note Receives One Beat.
If a half note receives 2 beats A quarter note,which is half of a half note, receives…
Next, we are going to do some listening. Think of half notes like wearing roller skates. Each step you take is long. 2 beats long to be exact.
Now think of Quarter Notes as walking in shoes. Your steps are going to be shorter.
Press Button to hear the rhythm. Which rhythm is it? or
Tap your foot to the first four clicks before the rhythm, then listen. The first note receives 2 beats. It is a half note.
Click here to listen
Tap your foot when you listen. How many times does your foot go down for the second note? Let’s try it again
Click here to listen
Still kind of hard huh? Let’s break it down a bit. As the sound is playing say step, gli_de, step. Listen… stepgli_destep
glide step Click on Tigers to listen to example
A Tie, Ties together 2 notes. Sort of like tying your shoes together. For instance, if a whole note is tied to a half note, you would play those notes as one note for 6 beats or,+ = 6 beats Let’s try a few!
How many beats?
A tied to a receive 3 beats.
Try Again. Remember that a Half note,receives 2 beats.
How Many Beats?
Two tied whole notes do indeed receive 8 beats.
Remember, a whole note gets 4 beats Soooo, two whole notes get…
A whole note and a half note tied together receive 6 beats.
Remember, a gets 4 beats and a gets 2 beats.
Yo, a has two beats, so do 2 tied so…, they are going to sound the same. Click here to continue
Click to Listen
= three beats
Click to Listen
Listen one more time.
The End