Introduction: What are we talking about? 1 Tested Grades and Subjects Non-Tested Grades and Subjects *At least this much Today we will address the gray area by defining student achievement for teachers in NTGS. Pilot District Weights
1234 Measurement Type 2 Student Growth Objectives (SGO) Type of SGODefinitionExample Course-level Focused on the entire student population for a given course, which often includes multiple classes. Covers all of the students in a teacher’s Algebra I classes, for an elementary teacher.. Class-level Focused on the student population in a given class. Covers all of the students in a teacher’s ninth-period Algebra I class. Targeted students Focused on a subgroup of students that need specific support. Covers all of the students who scored below 45 on the pre-assessment. Targeted content Focused on specific skills or content that students must master. Covers linear equations in Algebra I. 2
3 Assessment Administer department-developed pre-test aligned with 2009 CCCS. Baseline Data Determine general preparation level. Group students into three categories (low, medium, high). Determine specific areas of deficit. Growth Targets General – set a target for all students at each preparation level covering all content. Specific – set a target for all students to grow in a particular content standard SGO Components: Student Growth Objectives (SGO)
4 Preparation Level Based on Pre-Test Score Number of Students SGO Based on Predicted Achievement on Post-Test Score Low (0-45%)2170% or above Medium (46-69%)5480% or above High (70-100%)790% or above Teacher: Subject: Grade: Sections: Number of students: Student Growth Objectives (SGO) General Objective
1234 Assessing Outcomes – General SGO Student Preparation Level Target Score Rating based on number of students reaching target score %# stu Highly Effective EffectivePartially Effective Ineffective Low 7021> <5 Medium 8054 > <10 High 90 7 > <2 2 Score 43 3 Student Growth Objectives (SGO) 55 General Objective