The Number zero This PowerPoint is about the number zero. It is a unit that made me feel happy to learn about and easy to use in my life. The number zero was from the ancient till the time it was discovered and until today. I am going to explain as much as information as I can for you to understand the number zero. Done By: Muhammed Salim Page 2
The Past of the number zero The number zero was a discovery and not an invention, you might think that I am wrong but I learned that it was a discovery and also had visual evidence. The number zero is a numeral digit not exactly a number and also not treated as a number. The reason the ancients did not use the number zero is because they did not need it. The number zero is and was used to make life easier. The reason I say this is because the ancients never used the number zero, they used 1 as I and 2 as II and so on. But it eventually changed it like using V as 5 and X used as m=isch&tbnid=Bjf67jGF_QMxXM:&imgrefurl= egypt/&docid=cGx0irYBO_SIEM&imgurl= /images/illustrations/wilf/3/egyptian_numbers.gif%253Fw%253D300 %2526h%253D300&w=321&h=258&ei=vJ16T7SiMJCYhQeXxsA- &zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=608&vpy=328&dur=485&hovh=201&hovw=2 50&tx=96&ty=96&sig= &page=1&tbnh=140 &tbnw=174&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0 Page 3
The Present of the number zero The number zero is a fantastic discovery. It is a number that is in number timelines and is still in number timelines. It might stay in the future of number timelines. It is a number that is awkward because it is a numeral digit and not treated like a number. It is popular today because business man are using it, teachers are using it and kids are using it. m=isch&tbnid=ssxmnQQPPvTvqM:&imgrefurl= -enormous- numbers/&docid=4TyTiuJMVXDEiM&imgurl= 012/03/numbers.jpg%253Fw%253D412%2526h%253D400&w=412&h=400&ei=4p 56T- XOGofMhAf45flQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=307&vpy=235&dur=330&hovh=221&ho vw=228&tx=33&ty=133&sig= &page=6&tbnh=147&tbnw =151&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:115 Page 4
Introduction to Europe The number zero was discovered by the Mayans and spread to different parts of the world but I am going to tell you about the number when it was introduced to Europe. It was introduced to Europe by a man named Fibonacci. It was spread to Europe by a place called Pisa, Italy. It was a very wired number like I said before because this number is completely different by the way it was brought up. People were amazed and shocked. They knew that this would be easy to use but hard to get used to. m=isch&tbnid=5iy6wn1Wt6GXGM:&imgrefurl= com/living-in-italy/atms-in-italy&docid=p- JUbB0HyKUnLM&imgurl= content/uploads/2001/07/keypad.jpg&w=396&h=264&ei=4qB6T7X6Ic OChQfirpVc&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=196&vpy=333&dur=421&hovh=15 1&hovw=210&tx=131&ty=91&sig= &page=1 &tbnh=151&tbnw=210&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 Page 5
Expansion of Maths Maths is an amazing subject. It is a subject that keeps us busy at all times. It is a subject that did not stay the same but it changed. It changed in a way that made life easier for everyone in the world. Maths had expanded on the language like saying equals to instead of the answer is. This subject become fun. It has become fun because of the puzzles, games, quizzes and so on. Maths has games on algebra, probability and many more kinds. The meaning of expansion is to extend or become better. Page 6
Concluding Summary The number zero was a fantastic unit. The thing I enjoyed most was creating this PowerPoint. This PowerPoint was nice because we had a long time to do our work and do it in peace. I think that this was my best type of work I have ever done in I.C.T.. If I was able to do it again I should have done information earlier instead of later during the PowerPoint. I wish I had a lot of time at school to do this. I wish I.C.T was harder than this because it was a bit easy to do this PowerPoint. Thank you Mr. Mutasa for this amazing unit. You made me happy and made math's easier for me. I think that this unit will help me during my life. This unit has made me like I am a hero and famous. Back To Start.