Properties of Numbers Prime Time! Squares! Puzzles
Let’s review What are factors? What are dimensions? How are factors and dimensions related?
Gallery Walk Yesterday, you created posters displaying the arrays you found for your number pairs. Today, we are going to start by taking a gallery walk. You will be evaluating the work of your peers and leaving feedback regarding their work. Discuss what makes good feedback. Conduct gallery walk.
I GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS!! Learning Goals Identify a number as prime or composite Identify square numbers Use number characteristics such as these to solve problems. As always… If you pay attention, do the work, and participate in mathematical conversations with your peers….. I GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS!!
Guiding Questions What do you notice about numbers that have many arrays and numbers that have only a few?
Let’s Review some other things we’ve learned What are some multiplication combinations we can use to build arrays for the number 12? What are some examples of numbers that have only one multiplication combination (one array)? Discuss with your partner. These numbers are called Prime Numbers. Discuss with your partner what a prime number is. See if you can come up with a definition and we will write it on our chart. _________________ Composite numbers are those with more than one array. What are some examples of composite numbers? How do you know that?
SQUARE NUMBERS Now, let’s see if we can create a square out of an array. First you have to know what makes a square a square….hmmm Can you and your partner use the tiles to come up with an array that is a square? Try It! These are called “square” numbers. Talk with your partner, and see if you can come up with a definition for square numbers!
Sharing Strategies What strategies did you use to solve the problem? Use chart paper and markers and use a flow map to show your thinking.
Share Your Success Respond to the Guiding Question in your math journal. Then sit back and marvel at your brilliance……..(or read quietly). We will discuss our personal success (i.e. volunteers will share their comments) shortly…
Let’s Review Our Learning Goals Identify a number as prime or composite Identify square numbers Use number characteristics such as these to solve problems