Subjects, Verbs, Objects BEGIN
bother! Try again Try again
Click on the subject IIII hate cabbage!
Well done!! 1 point
Click on the object IIII have read have read a good book a good book
Great!! 2 points
Click on the subject Peter loves Mary
Good!! 3 points
Click on the verb Cats chase mice
Wicked!! 4 points
Click on the object You have got have got a letter. a letter.
Cool!! 5 points
Click on the verb IIII shall see shall see my uncle my uncle
Well done!! 6 points
Click on the subject The film The filmboredus.
Well played!! 7 points
Click on the subject They both They both play chess.
Bravo!! 8 points
Click on the verb Mice adore cheese.
Excellent!! 9 points
Click on the subject Who has eaten has eaten the chips? the chips?
Play again Play again 10 points!!
Chris Reall 2004 exit