Board Work
OBJECTIVES Outcome Based “If you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t get there.”
Standards General statements of the learning desired or needed in specific subject areas
Standards - Examples Language Arts: 1. Demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process. History: 23. Understands the causes of the Great Depression and how it affected American society. Music: 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture.
Benchmarks More defined statements of outcomes Written as subheadings of each standard Interpret the standard for specific developmental levels (grade bands) Provide more specific guidance about the meaning of the standard
Benchmarks Understandings or abilities students are expected to master while in that grade band Prerequisite knowledge for the next grade band May require multiple “encounters” to ensure student mastery
Benchmarks - Examples Language Arts Grades K-2: Dictates or writes stories or essays, based on one’s own experience, with a sequence of events that make sense Grades 3-5: Seeks help from others to improve writing Grades 6-8: Uses direct feedback from peers to revise content of a composition Grades 9-12: Writes compositions that clearly fulfill different purposes, including to entertain and to stimulate emotion
Standard – Benchmark - Objective
Teach Your Partner How are standards, benchmarks, and objectives the same? How are standards, benchmarks, and objectives different?
Objectives Why Use? Focus on intended learner outcomes.
Objectives Focusing on Intended Learner Outcomes Many ways of stating instructional objectives
Objectives To demonstrate to students how to set up laboratory equipment
Objectives Identify the laboratory equipment used in the demonstration Describe the steps to be followed in setting up the laboratory equipment List the necessary precautions in handling and setting up the lab equipment Demonstrate skills in setting up their own lab equipment
Objectives – A-B-C-D A udience “The student will..” B ehavior identify the lab equipment necessary for the demonstration C onditions when shown a picture D egree 100 % - According to textbook
Decisions about Objectives Audience – Specifies the learners for whom the objective is intended Behavior Describes the capability of the learner following instruction Stated as a learner performance Stated as observable behavior Describes a real-world skill (versus test performance)
Decisions About Objectives Conditions Describes the conditions under which the performance is to be demonstrated Equipment, tools, aids, or references the learner may or may not use Environment in which the learner has to perform
Decisions About Objectives Degree (criterion) States, where applicable, the standard for acceptable performance Time limit Range of accuracy Proportion of correct responses required Qualitative standards
Application Write an objective for your grade level and a content area of your choice. Include the ABCD parts. Share with your East/West partner and identify your ABCD parts as you share the objective.
Aim – Goal - Objective “Shorthand for objective”
Objectives Why Use? Focus on intended learner outcomes.
Great teachers write the right objectives, “technically OK” teachers write objectives right. Leaders do the right things – managers do things right. Objectives.ppt Write the Right Objectives
Assignment - Objectives Your assignment is to write 4 objectives for each of the domains: affective, cognitive, and psychomotor and to write 3 objectives for the interpersonal domain—for a total of 15 objectives. For each objective indicate the related domain. In all objectives include parts A, B, C, & D, but not necessarily in that order.