Using Learning Objects to Enhance Students Learning Restiani Andriati (DMP) Beth Swart (LTO, FCS Nursing)
Agenda What is a Learning Object? Where to get learning objects? How to incorporate it into a course? –Examples Who can help?
Scenario Instructor teaches the same material year after year Each year, most students encounter the same difficult concepts: –Instructional bottleneck –Instruction challenge
What is Learning Object? Definition: Learning Objects are any digital entity designed to meet a specific learning outcome that can be re- used to support learning Brief description: –Computer program (web-based, CD-ROM) –Interactive
Characteristics Reusable: easily modified with different development tools Accessible: searchable and available as needed for learners and content developers Interoperable: capable of operating across a range of hardware, operating systems and web browsers Durable: compatible with newer versions of system software
Where to Get Learning Objects? CLOE – Co-operative Learning Object Exchange MERLOT – Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching Develop it – with the help of the DMP Technology & Teaching Projects: atRyerson/projects.html#teachtech Note: Learning Objects in the L.O. repositories CLOE and MERLOT, are peer-reviewed
Using Learning Objects in a Course Optional does not work Extra work not necessarily beneficial Must be integral to course design Ideally, it helps students achieve the learning outcome(s)
EXAMPLE: Critical Thinking /PharmReview/critthink_situationtom.htmhttp:// /PharmReview/critthink_situationtom.htm
Animated Example ontent/ch19/ch19xe04.htm
Conflict Situation p p
Example: Instructional 35::535::/sites/dl/free/ / /bio01.swf::Lysosomeshttp://highered.mcgraw- 35::535::/sites/dl/free/ / /bio01.swf::Lysosomes
Drag and Drop
Wisconsin Resource Centre
Who can Help? Digital Media Projects Office Learning Technology Liaisons
For more information … –Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology - Special edition Fall 2002 on Learning Objects –Learning Objects Overview s.htmlhttp:// s.html –Use and Abuse of Learning Objects