November 6, 2003 Copyright Robert J. Beck This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
November 6, 2003 E-Learning Objects: Benefits and Repository Issues Dr. Robert J. Beck University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
November 6, 2003 “Learning objects … are destined to forever change the shape and form of learning, and in so doing, … will also usher in an unprecedented efficiency of learning content design, development, and delivery.” -- H. Wayne Hodgins, “The Future of Learning Objects” (2000)
November 6, 2003 Overview: Three Questions What are E-learning Objects? The Benefits Repository Issues
November 6, 2003 Definition any digital resource that can be reused to support learning -- Wiley, “ Connecting Learning Objects to Instructional Design Theory ” (2000)
November 6, 2003 Why? “The main idea of ‘learning objects’ is to break educational content down into small chunks that can be reused in various learning environments, in the spirit of object-oriented programming” -- David Wiley
November 6, 2003 An object-oriented approach may permit course developers to Avoid “ wheel reinvention ” Be more ambitious Expend less effort Create custom courses
November 6, 2003 In Practice Currently, a spectrum might be said to exist, including –Images: photos, art work, maps –Course tools: Java applets –Case studies –Course modules
November 6, 2003 Metadata Tags Are arguably not characteristic Even so, such tags significantly enhance E- Learning Object utility
November 6, 2003 Weighing Benefits vs. Costs Two E-learning “object lessons”
November 6, 2003 Lesson 1: “Granularity” Granularity – “The size of a given ‘chunk’ of curricular material” – i.e., learning object
November 6, 2003 “Granularity” Small “chunk”Large “chunk” Example Flexibility of use Instructor role in post-production Meta-tag costs relative to size
November 6, 2003 “Granularity” Small “chunk”Large “chunk” ExampleMap or image of Kosovo Instructor role in post-production “Some assembly required” Flexibility of useHigh Meta-tag costs relative to size High
November 6, 2003 “Granularity” Small “chunk”Large “chunk” ExampleMap or image of Kosovo Case study of Kosovo Instructor role in post-production “Some assembly required” Pre-assembled Flexibility of useHighLess Meta-tag costs relative to size HighLow
November 6, 2003 Lesson 2: Metadata Tagging and Cost
November 6, 2003 Metadata Tagging and Cost TaggedNot tagged Degree of Sharability Degree of Seachability Faculty production Production costs Maintenance costs
November 6, 2003 Metadata Tagging and Cost TaggedNot tagged Degree of Sharability High Degree of Seachability High Faculty production More difficult Production costsHigh Maintenance costs More costly, if metadata is updated
November 6, 2003 Metadata Tagging and Cost TaggedNot tagged Degree of Sharability HighUncertain Degree of Seachability HighLikely to require a portal site host Faculty production More difficultLess difficult Production costsHighModest Maintenance costs More costly, if metadata is updated Less costly
November 6, 2003 E-Learning Object Repositories What 2 Examples Themes
November 6, 2003 E-Learning Object Repositories “Provide access to digital educational materials” A very wide variety of such repositories exist –Number of servers –Use of metadata –Interoperability –Nature of contributors
November 6, 2003 E-Learning Object Repositories Are a subset of the broader category of “institutional repositories” EOR E-Learning Object Repositories Institutional Institutional Repositories Theses Conference Proceedings Administrative Records Faculty Research
November 6, 2003 GEODE Portal Global Education Online Depository and Exchange Grade Level: Global Studies focus Exclusively digital
November 6, 2003 GEODE
November 6, 2003 IDEAS Portal Interactive Dialogue with Educators from Across the State (Teacher-reviewed) Grade Level: PK-16 Exclusively digital “Global Studies” subject search Seeks to help Wisconsin educators meet Wisconsin Model Academic Standards Now Includes “VideoIDEAS” Resources
November 6, 2003 IDEAS Portal
November 6, 2003 Learning Repositories Summit Hosted by Academic Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Co-Lab on October 7-8, 2003 – ml Online database of repositories will likely be available this month
November 6, 2003 Themes: Metadata and Repositories Quality metadata needed, but created by whom and how? Simple vs. complex metadata tagging “Crosswalks” between schemas are needed, but are challenging to develop
November 6, 2003 Themes: Focus of Repositories “Communities of practice” will ideally arise around repositories Teaching vs. learning
November 6, 2003 Themes: The Configuration of Repositories “Harvestable metadata” and distributed repositories Need for common intellectual property (IP) framework Users don’t want 2000 sources, but 10 good ones
November 6, 2003 Common Repository Themes True for institutional and e-learning object repositories –Institutional and disciplinary culture and politics may well well prove more challenging than the technology –Faculty engagement/acceptance is necessary but difficult to effect –Must be sustainable