starter activity These pictures all suggest reasons why the Provisional Government was in dire straits by the autumn of Can you guess what problems they allude to?
How did the Bolsheviks manage to seize power in October 1917? Construct a timeline showing lead-up to October 1917 Revolution Analyse the reasons for Bolshevik success Assess whether Oct 1917 was a popular uprising Aims
Your task - Countdown to Revolution Read Lynch p and construct a timeline of events explaining how the Bolsheviks seized power. Use these dates to help you: Read Lynch p and construct a timeline of events explaining how the Bolsheviks seized power. Use these dates to help you: Mid-September Mid-September 12 September 12 September 7 October 7 October 10 October 10 October 23 October 23 October October October 27 Oct 27 Oct
Countdown to Revolution Mid-September Mid-September Bolsheviks gained majority in Petrograd & Moscow Soviets Bolsheviks gained majority in Petrograd & Moscow Soviets 12 September 12 September Time was ripe for revolution: ‘History will not forgive us if we do not assume power’ Time was ripe for revolution: ‘History will not forgive us if we do not assume power’ 7 October 7 October Lenin returned to Petrograd in secret Lenin returned to Petrograd in secret 10 October 10 October Central Committee pledged support for armed insurrection Central Committee pledged support for armed insurrection
23 October 23 October Bolshevik Papers Pravda & Izvestiya closed down Bolshevik Papers Pravda & Izvestiya closed down October October Support for PG collapses and members of govt flee abroad Support for PG collapses and members of govt flee abroad 27 Oct 27 Oct Lenin notifies Congress of Soviets that Petrograd Soviet (controlled by Bolsheviks) had seized power & set up new revolutionary government, ‘Sovnakom’ Lenin notifies Congress of Soviets that Petrograd Soviet (controlled by Bolsheviks) had seized power & set up new revolutionary government, ‘Sovnakom’
Your task Watch the film, ‘Russian Revolution in Colour’ on the October Revolution and answer the questions your teacher gives you. Watch the film, ‘Russian Revolution in Colour’ on the October Revolution and answer the questions your teacher gives you.
starter activity Read the account of the October Revolution in John Reed’s famous book, ‘Ten days that shook the world.’ How accurate do you think Reed’s account is? Watch a clip from Eisenstein’s adaptation of the book ‘October’. How useful is this film to historians studying the October Revolution? John Reed Sergei Eisenstein Play clip from: 1:25 mins
Your task Read Lynch p and list the reasons why the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 was successful. Read Lynch p and list the reasons why the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 was successful.
Reasons for Bolshevik success Other parties co-operated with PG, e.g. promise of elections to Constituent Assembly allayed Liberals Other parties co-operated with PG, e.g. promise of elections to Constituent Assembly allayed Liberals Bolshevik opposition to War, compared with SRs & Mensheviks Bolshevik opposition to War, compared with SRs & Mensheviks Menshevik adherence to Marxism – Feb Rev was a prelude to proletariat revolution Menshevik adherence to Marxism – Feb Rev was a prelude to proletariat revolution Bolshevik aims & methods clearer than opponents Bolshevik aims & methods clearer than opponents
Weaknesses of PG – interim govt, lacked legitimacy Weaknesses of PG – interim govt, lacked legitimacy Failure of PG to suppress Bolsheviks, e.g. ignored Smolny Institute Failure of PG to suppress Bolsheviks, e.g. ignored Smolny Institute Lenin’s charisma Lenin’s charisma Growth in membership of Bolsheviks & dominance of Soviets Growth in membership of Bolsheviks & dominance of Soviets Factory committees Factory committees Radicalisation of Russian politics Radicalisation of Russian politics Smolny Institute
Your task Your teacher will give you 9 cards with reasons why the Bolsheviks were successful in October Arrange them in a ‘diamond 9’ formation with the most important factors at the top. Your teacher will give you 9 cards with reasons why the Bolsheviks were successful in October Arrange them in a ‘diamond 9’ formation with the most important factors at the top. Diamond 9
Your task Read the sources on p.107. How are they different in their interpretation of the Russian Revolution? Divide the class in two. One side must support the view of interpretation A the other interpretation B. Try to gather as much evidence as you can to support your arguments. Read the sources on p.107. How are they different in their interpretation of the Russian Revolution? Divide the class in two. One side must support the view of interpretation A the other interpretation B. Try to gather as much evidence as you can to support your arguments.
Extension task Extension task Conduct some research into the part played by Trotsky in the Bolshevik Revolution. Note any evidence from commentators or contemporary observers of Trotsky’s own actions that he played a crucial role in the Revolution. Conduct some research into the part played by Trotsky in the Bolshevik Revolution. Note any evidence from commentators or contemporary observers of Trotsky’s own actions that he played a crucial role in the Revolution. Trotsky