Making Information Stand Out Michael Heavener, ABC
Get the message across When people read –They search for visual clues To help them rank information –For mental processing
When they cant properly rank They lose interest –Teenagers will say Its boring –Adults will skip to the next page or slide They stop reading and learning
Rank makes it happen How you display information, especially –How you set values –How you indicate priorities –How you emphasize the levels of importance Are under your control
Rarely indicates status because information loses interest and then readers move away. Rarely indicates status Information loses interest Readers move away Information in a paragraph block
Whats most important? Item A, Item B, Item C, Item D, Item E, Item F, Item G, Item H, Item I, Item J, Item K, Item L, Item M, Item N, Item O, Item P, Item Q, Item R, Item S, Item T, Item U, Item V, Item X, Item Y, and Item Z
Rank indicates status Was it easy identifying the most important item? –Maybe it was boldface –Maybe it was alphabetic order But the author didnt try to help
Whats most important? Item A Item B Item C Item D Item E Item F
Was that easier? Shows importance of Items A and D –But why were other items shown? –Readers eye wants to know why they werent boldfaced.
Whats most important? Item A –Item B Item C –Item D Item E Item F
Set the priority Indenting and size demonstrate priority –Item A is the must know line Items B and D are secondary –And Items C, E, and F add detail
Whats most important? Item A –Item B Item C –Item D Item E Item F
Emphasize importance Setting items apart boosts comprehension –Item A, again, is very important Items B, and D are less important But they still carry some significance –Items C, E, and F are merely support
Lists demonstrate rank The best way to group information The best way to rank data The best way to improve comprehension Is with bulleted lists –That are properly indented So valuable information –Comes first