To inform Heads/Deputies about the significant changes to Schools Teachers Pay and Conditions To support Schools in planning these changes
Key changes in 2013 and 2014 What Schools need to do Any questions
Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers TLR1 and TLR2 allowances SEN allowances Safeguarding of salary
Removal of fixed pay points for classroom teacher pay grades Performance related pay progression for all teachers Temporary TLR (TLR3) New criteria and local process for decision on UPS New leading practitioner (LP) grade Removal of AST & ET grades No automatic “portability” between schools of pay grade or salary point Removal of three year limit on recruitment and retention allowances
Four pay grades Main Pay Scale Range Upper Pay Scale Range Leading Practitioner Unqualified Maximum and minimum – no specific points Effective from September 2013 Any progression from September 2013 is based on 2012 document
Pay RangeMinimumMaximum Main Pay Scale£21,804£31,868 Upper Pay Scale£34,523£37,124 Leading Practitioner£37,863£57,520 Unqualified£15,976£25,267
“A post whose primary purpose is to model and lead improvement of teaching skills” Specific post in school staffing structure Paid on an individual post range within the new Leading Practitioner pay range Different teachers in the same school may be placed on different individual ranges Range overlaps with the Leadership range (up to L18) No national assessment for the role Expect national teacher standards to be used for local assessment
Headteacher Deputy Head(s) Assistant Head(s) Leading Practitioner(s) Classroom Teachers Main/Upper/Unqualified pay ranges TLR’s;SEN
Any qualified teacher may apply to be paid on the upper pay range An application from a qualified teacher will be successful where: The teacher is highly competent in all elements of the relevant standards and The teachers achievements and contribution to the school are substantial and sustained The pay policy should set out the process for assessing applicants Current post-threshold application process valid up to 31 st October (round 13)
Schools may pay on UPR: Newly appointed teachers who meet the 2012 definition of ‘post threshold teacher’ and Teachers who were on UPR in another school Schools must pay UPR on: Teachers who are already on UPR in the school, Existing teachers who are successful in their threshold application under the 2012 STPCD, Teachers who were previously employed in the school on the leadership spine or as AST or ET,
TLR1 and TLR2 unchanged (2013 Rates) TLR 1 = £7,397 - £12,517 TLR2 = £2,561 - £6,259 Permanent associated with the post New temporary TLR 3 (from Sept 2013) For clearly time-limited school improvement projects, or one-off externally driven responsibilities Annual value £505-£2,525 Fixed term must be established at the outset
The 3 year limit has been replaced by a requirement for relevant bodies to conduct a ‘regular formal review’
Pay increase awarded on the main upper pay range is permanent only while the teacher remains employed at the school Pay policies should set out how salary will be determined on appointment after 1 st September 2013
Annual consideration of whether or not to increase the salary of each teacher and by how much Decision must be related to the teacher’s performance, as assessed through the school’s appraisal arrangements Recommendation on pay must be made in writing as part of the teachers appraisal report, and the governing body must have regard to this recommendation in making their decision.
Increases may be differentiated, with the amount of any increase attributable to the performance of the individual teacher. Continued good performance over a number of years should give a classroom teacher a reasonable expectation or progressing to the top of the pay range The school’s pay policy must set out clearly how pay increases will be determined
School governing bodies must: Adopt a policy that sets out: The basis on which teachers’ pay is determined; and the date by which the teachers’ annual pay review will take place Establish procedures for addressing teachers’ grievances in relation to their pay in accordance with the Acas Code of Practice and set out in the schools pay policy
Revise school pay and appraisal policies to include: Mechanisms and criteria for performance related pay ready for Sept 2014 Determination of salary on appointment Consider whether to create Leading Practitioner post from Sept 2013 Consider use of TLR3s
Carry out appraisal reviews for teachers against targets set last autumn Make and approve pay recommendations in line with current appraisal policy. Set targets which will allow objective assessment for performance related pay in 2014 Governing bodies – determine what provision should be made in the school’s budget for discretionary pay increases in 2014 For any newly appointed teacher determine a statutory salary in accordance with the schools pay policy
Carry out appraisal reviews and make and approve performance related pay recommendation in accordance with the schools pay policy