Investors in People Pre IiP Check Briefing Human Resources & Organisational Development Investors in People Pre IiP Check Briefing
Investors in People What is Investors in People (IiP)? Human Resources & Organisational Development Investors in People What is Investors in People (IiP)? “Investors in People (IiP) is a nationally recognised framework that helps organisations to improve their performance and realise their objectives through the effective management and development of their people.”
Investors in People – What is it? Human Resources & Organisational Development Investors in People – What is it? The Standard is based on three key principles: •Plan – Developing strategies to improve the performance of the organisation •Do – Taking action to improve the performance of the organisation •Review – Evaluating the impact on the performance of the organisation. Each element has certain ‘standards’ normally 2 – 3 per category Health check reviews – lots of positives Areas to work on Need to clearly start thinking and working with teams to address areas above Especially in light of concerns from staff survey just highlighted Key messages How objectives fit into dept/university How line mengt communicate and invovle staff How objectives can be linked to the ‘business of the organisation ie the students The Standard
Investors in People – What is it? (10 indicators) Human Resources & Organisational Development Investors in People – What is it? (10 indicators) An Investor in People organisation develops effective strategies to improve the performance of the organization through its people by having: Business Strategy - the strategy for improving the performance of the University is clearly defined and understood. Learning and Development Strategy - Learning and Development is planned to achieve the University’s objectives. People Management Strategy - Strategies are designed to promote equality of opportunity in the development of the University’s people. Leadership and Management Strategy - The capabilities managers need to lead, manage and develop people effectively are clearly defined and understood.
Investors in People – What is it? Human Resources & Organisational Development Investors in People – What is it? Management Effectiveness - Managers are effective in leading, managing and developing people. Recognition and Reward - People’s contribution to the University is recognised and valued. Involvement and Empowerment - People are encouraged to take ownership and responsibility by being involved in decision-making. Learning and Development Impact - People learn and develop effectively. Performance Measurement – Checking our investment in people improves the performance of the University. Continuous Improvement - Improvements are continually made to the way people are managed and developed.
Investors in People Human Resources & Organisational Development Why be an ‘Investor in People' (IiP)? Importance of our staff in achieving our goals and recognised in our Strategic Plan – IiP helps demonstrate this commitment IiP helps keep us on track, links to Staff Survey Recognition and acceptance of best practice to benchmark how we are doing Supports culture of continuous improvement and staff engagement Links to our work on improving Leadership & Management effectiveness
Investors in People Human Resources & Organisational Development Do we have it already? 2001, 2004, 2007 Important aspect of continuous commitment to staff Next assessment: June 2012
Investors in People Human Resources & Organisational Development Today’s exercise will help build a shared understanding of how your Department is doing against the IiP Standards and the Staff Survey. This will enable the Department to understand: How it is doing Any areas for action On-going opportunity for further staff engagement in shaping departmental plans For more information visit: Key example Look at each category discuss key questions in your groups Green – meet criteria Amber – evidence to suggest have areas good practice but perhaps more work needed Red – not met criteria Give example of Plan 1 - Do 1 – use key question and how achived example Summerise comments onto yellow stickys Put stickys on flip chart for each category