SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 1 An Introduction to Social Performance Making Microfinance Matter for Clients and Their Families: Ensuring a Social Performance Bottom Line in the Industry
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 2 The effective translation of an institution’s mission into practice in line with accepted social values that relate to: –reaching poorer and excluded clients; –improving the lives of clients and their families; –widening the range of opportunities for communities. What is Social Performance? Intent Operations Results Social Performance Pathway
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 3 What is Social Performance? Intent Operations Results Intent: Clearly defined mission and objectives –Reach target market –Deliver high-quality and appropriate financial services –Respond to the needs of clients, their families, and communities –Ensure responsibility of the MFI toward its employees, its clients, and the community it serves
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 4 What is Social Performance? Intent Operations Results Operations: Actions and corrective measures –Align systems with mission Leadership Institutional culture Human resources Training Reward (financial and non-financial incentives) Marketing Service Delivery
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 5 What is Social Performance? Intent Operations Results Results: Measurable outcomes and benefits –Reaching target clients –Meeting client needs –Creating benefits for clients –Social responsibility
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 6 Why Is Social Performance Important? Achievement: to improve our programs to achieve the social goals we set out in our mission statements Accountability: to be more transparent Furthermore, there are many practical benefits to industry stakeholders.
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 7 Why Is Social Performance Important? To achieve our mission –To maintain the social values in microfinance –To deliver on the potential of microfinance to contribute to the Millennium Development Goals Strong Financial Performance is not The end goal…rather it is a means to accomplish the social mission Social Performance Financial Performance Mission
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 8 Why Is Social Performance Important? Accountability MFIs have a responsibility to be transparent about their social performance –Who are our clients? –What changes are taking place in their lives?
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 9 Why Is Social Performance Important? Practical benefits to industry stakeholders –Creates a more client-centered organization –Demonstrates “blended returns” to donors and investors –Permits social performance benchmarking –Facilitates better financial performance
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 10 What Does It Mean to Manage Performance? Deliberately managing to achieve desired results Performance is not incidental What it explicitly defined and measured is what is managed –Need to define desired performance –Need to measure against desired performance Performance Management Social Performance Financial Performance Mission
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 11 How Can MFIs Manage Social Performance? Apply social lens to performance management –Translate mission into goals and objectives –Monitor and assess performance towards goals and objectives –Use information to improve practice Build on existing systems and processes –Appraisal, rewards, communication, training –Monitoring & assessment –Decision-making processes Monitoring Use IntentDesignResults Social Performance Pathway Assessment Intent Operations Results Social Performance Pathway
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 12 Next Steps Visit the Social Performance Resource Center Sign the Social Performance ‘Declaration of Principles’ Give this presentation to Board of Directors and Senior Management Attend a social performance management training Commit to receiving a social audit and/or social rating
SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE 13 Where To Go For Further Information? Social Performance Resource Center ce –Management training –Technical Assistance –Tools –Rating, audit and other forms of assessment