Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What is Appraisal Period? for Appraisers and Appraisees (Primary and Secondary Care)
Appraisal Period (1/2) Interview details on SOAR include names of Appraiser, Appraisee, Date & Time and Location of meeting(s) – as well as “Appraisal Period” Appraisal Period is used to log WHEN an interview took place in fiscal years (1 st April to 31 st March) – rather than what materials were discussed This is to satisfy Revalidation requirements and allows us to track whether an appraisee has been maintaining their annual appraisals We expect appraisal discussions to be centred around material within last 12 months/since last appraisal
Appraisal Period (2/2) For example: If an interview took place on 12 th March 2014, it would fall under the Appraisal Period of 2013/2014 The material discussed should cover the entirety of the appraisee’s work since last appraisal / past 12 months
4 Description of Appraisal Period on interview details page Option to log “ Review Period ” if desired e.g. Appraisal Period 2013/2014; Review Period 2012/2013
Further support Medical Appraisal Scotland website: – – Resources, FAQ and other useful sections Local Administration teams: – Contact details on Medical Appraisal Scotland SOAR Helpdesk – Black “Help” box on right when logged into SOAR; – or Due to capacity issues we are unable to offer telephone support – You can request a call back via the Helpdesk – but we need detailed descriptions of the issue(s)