What do we know about the structure of living things? All living things' appearances on the inside or out has to do/help with their function. I learned from dissecting a frog that they have eyes on the top of the head so they only have to pop the top of their head out to check for their enemies. They also are a dark green and brown to camaflouge. All living things are made up of cells and cells are made up of atoms. Cells divide to make more, making the living thing bigger. Without bones we could not reproduce red and white blood cells. Some living things are made of one cell and they are called unicellular organisms; unicellular organisms are microscopic. Animals and humans are multi-cellular organisms meaning we are made up of more than one cell. Our bodies are more complex than other living things. Humans have bones which is the structure and support of our body and have skin which protects the body from bacteria and viruses. Our rib cage protects the vital organs in our chest: the heart and lungs. The human body has several organs that helps the body function and cleans the body. How the organs and muscles ect. are formed are in the following slide.
How the things in our body are formed All of the same cells form a tissue. This is a blood tissue because above are all blood cells. Different molecules form a cell All cells contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Bone tissue Skin tissue Nerve Different tissues form an organ Different organs form a organ system
How do the structures work together to enable living things to survive? Humans obviously need food to survive but eating it will be pointless if it is not used. Food is chewed and goes down the esophagus to the stomach . The stomach digests the food and passes it to the small intestines. The small intestines absorb the nutrients and pass the waste to the large intestines. The nutrients get passed to the blood and when the blood passes a cell that need…(cells need oxygen, protein, fat, water, and sugar/carbs) whatever is needed gets dropped off to the cell. organs that help are: the heart because it pumps the blood, lungs because they take in oxygen which is one of the things cells need, stomach digest s food, intestines past nutrients and waste, kidney filters the blood, and the brain tells the body to do this. the bones, muscles, and connective tissue allow the body to move and stay together to use the energy the cells receive.
How do we know what we know about the structure of living things? Our class does experiments We research such as watching a video or reading a science magazine The class does labs to find the answer We use models and observe them. The models could be once living or living and we use tools to help us. An example would be microscopes. We use previous knowledge We go on educational trips that supply us with a surplus of information on the unit we are learning. We know through the knowledge of others and having discussions
How do we know what we know about the structure of living things is correct? We do experiments to see if our hypothesis made off of research or previous knowledge is right. We compare and share our knowledge with other groups We can research the structure of living things. Resources can tell us and show us what scientists have figured out and we check their work which supports their answer By recording data from labs we can double check our work, and also by doing trials. By checking with people with more knowledge on the topic like teachers, doctors, and scientists.
What do we do to improve and/or revise what we know about the structure of living things? We have class discussions where we listen attentively to better understand the topic we are learning about. Use previous knowledge and logs and research to add to the information We look for mistakes in our experiment that could have affected the results and we redo the experiment. We ask questions for Mr. Bormann who guides us in the right direction. We have formative assessments to make sure we have a deep comprehension on the structure of living things or any other topic we are learning about. We do many tests and watch the news to make sure our data is up to date. We compare and share answers We do things gingerly We move up to a higher level to get the best possible understanding of the structure of living things.
How does our understanding of the structure of living things help us understand the natural world? By learning about the structure of living things we can take care of ourselves better because we understand how the body works. Also dissecting and practicing on frogs to get a better understanding of living things we can have an idea or learn how to cure an animal or human. The knowledge will allow you to make inferences and help other living things.