3 Social media refers to the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, with the construction of text, images, videos and audio. This combined information builds varied perspectives and shared meaning among people and communities, as individuals share their stories and understandings. Lesson 1: What is Social Media Sir Tim Berners-Lee – Original Designer of the WWW The original thing I wanted to do was make it a collaborative medium, a place where we can all meet and read and write…. Collaborative things are exciting, and the fact people are doing wikis and blogs shows theyre [embracing] its creative side.
4 A Paradigm Shift In Publishing Traditional Social Media Blogs Communities Institutional VoiceAudience
5 Social Media is Viral
6 RSS:Really Simple Syndication. RSS is the backbone of much of todays social media Blogs: Short for Web Logs. A Blog publishes content using RSS as well as standard Web HTML. Blogs generally accept user comments and discussion Wikis: Web pages that allow for simple edits, additions and subtractions of content from any user, not simply the original content author Social Media Examples
7 Audio / Video Podcasts: A series of video/audio files that automatically download by subscribing to the content Widgets/Gadgets: Widgets allow web applications to be small portable applications Tags: Keywords added to social media content. Tags act as navigation and influence search… E.g. Google loves tags Social Networks and Communities: A destination site that includes most of the before mentioned capabilities. Social Media Examples
8 Top Social Media Sites
9 A person, under ~30 years of age, for whom digital technologies already existed when they were born, and hence has grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3s.MP3s Digital Natives brains are wired differently than their Digital Immigrant elders. Digital Natives are used to receiving information really fast. They like to parallel process and multi- task. They prefer their graphics before their text rather than the opposite. They prefer random access (like hypertext). They function best when networked. They thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards. They prefer games to serious work. Digital Natives have not learned how to take time to reflect on lifes experiences and so seem to be shallow at times. This is an opportunity for Digital Immigrants to teach them something important. Know Your Audience - Digital Native
10 Everyone else for whom digital technology is learned. Like all immigrants, digital immigrants try to adapt to their new environment. Even so, they always retain, to some degree, their "accent," that is, their foot in the past. The digital immigrant accent can be seen in such things as turning to the Internet for information second rather than first, or in reading the manual for a program rather than assuming that the program itself will teach us to use it. Todays older folk were "socialized" differently from their kids, and are now in the process of learning a new language. And a language learned later in life, scientists tell us, goes into a different part of the brain. Digital Immigrants typically have very little appreciation for these new skills that the Natives have acquired and perfected though years of interaction and practice. These skills are almost totally foreign to the Immigrants, who themselves learned – and so choose to teach – slowly, step-by-step, one thing at a time, individually, and above all, seriously. Digital Immigrants must do a better job of learning the language and learning styles of the Digital Natives if they are to teach them effectively. Know Your Audience - Digital Immigrant
11 Base: Online adults Source: European Technographics Benchmark Survey, Q How do you engage with Social Media?
12 Choose Your Engagement Style Carefully Mavens. These brands are engaged in seven or more channels and have an above-average engagement score. Brands like Starbucks and Dell are able to sustain a high level of engagement across multiple social media channels. Mavens not only have a robust strategy and dedicated teams focused on social media, but also make it a core part of their go-to-market strategy. Companies like these could not imagine operating without a strong presence in social media. Butterflies. These brands are engaged in seven or more channels but have lower than average engagement scores. Butterflies like American Express and Hyundai have initiatives in many different channels, but tend to spread themselves too thin, investing in a few channels while letting others languish. Their ambition is to be a Maven and they may get there but they still struggle with getting the full buy-in from their organizations to embrace the full multi-way conversation that deep engagement entails. Selectives. These brands are engaged in six or fewer channels and have higher than average engagement scores. Selectives like H&M and Philips have a very strong presence in just a few channels where they focus on engaging customers deeply when and where it matters most. The social media initiatives at these brands tend to be lightly staffed if they are at all, meaning that by default, they have to focus their efforts. These are beachheads, started by an impassioned evangelist with a shoestring budget. Wallflowers. These brands are engaged in six or fewer channels and have below-average engagement scores. Wallflowers like McDonalds and BP are slow to or are just getting started, dipping their toes into social media waters. They are still trying to figure out social media by testing just a few channels. They are also cautious about the risks, uncertain about the benefits, and therefore engage only lightly in the channels where they are present. Source: ENGAGEMENTdb -Ranking the Top 100 Global Brands – July 2009
13 Intels Objective: Increase the relevance and preference of the Intel brand in online social dialogues Enable and Amplify a voice of Influence Move the voice of influence from Intels institutional voice by fostering and amplifying the voices of the following: Intels own subject matter experts Press and influential media Ecosystem partners and fellow travelers Community of advocates and customers Intel's Experts Media Ecosystem Customers Social Media at Intel
14 Social Engagement
15 Transparency - Be real, be authentic and demonstrate our passion Participate and listen - Were active, engaged and accessible Instep with brand & marketing goals - It must contribute to our brand or marketing objectives Conversational - Color commentary… not marketing copy The voice of many - Social content is generally from multiple authors Extend reach and longevity of events – Chronicle and narrate events Characteristics of a good Social Media Program