Breathing Life and Deeper Meaning into Texts Persuasive Essay
Breathing Life and Deeper Meaning into Texts Big Understanding: Students will recognize the author’s purpose or perspective and its effect on what is emphasized in the text and identify key concepts, ideas, literary elements, or themes in text.
KBAD use background knowledge to make meaning. Day 1
Background Knowledge When we read about a topic it's important to think about what we already know This is true when reading nonfiction and fiction There is always something you already know about a topic Ask yourself, "What do I already know about ____________?"
Turn and Talk "What do you already know about ____________?"
KBAD identifying topic sentences. Day 2
Topic Sentences Gives the main idea of a paragraph Usually is the first sentence in a paragraph Does not include details Helps the reader figure out the "big picture" of the text
For almost 50 years, Sudan had been involved in a vicious civil war, a war between groups of people from the same country. Long before the split, Sudan was culturally divided into two parts, northern and southern. The majority of people who live in the north are Arab and Muslim. Most of the people in the south are black and practice Christianity or native African religions.
Turn and Talk How can you find the topic sentence in a paragraph?
KBAD determining main idea and details. Day 3
Main Idea vs. Details The main idea gives the "big picture" of the text Details give the little bits of information that expand on the main idea
For almost 50 years, Sudan had been involved in a vicious civil war, a war between groups of people from the same country. Long before the split, Sudan was culturally divided into two parts, northern and southern. The majority of people who live in the north are Arab and Muslim. Most of the people in the south are black and practice Christianity or native African religions.
Turn and Talk How can you tell the difference between the main idea and details?
KBAD find evidence to support point of view. Day 4
Supporting Point of View Point of view: a person's attitude or perspective Once you decide what a character's point of view is you need to find evidence to support your point. "I think that my character feels __________. I know this because of page ____ she says, _____________."
Turn and Talk How can you tell a character's point of view?
KBAD notice fact and opinions when determining a character's point of view. Day 5
Fact and Opinion Demonstrates Point of View When a character gives the opinion in can tell you a lot about their attitude and perspective Fact: something true that can be proven Opinion: something that you think, feel, or believe
Turn and Talk What do opinions tell you about a character?
KBAD formulate questions as you read. Day 6
Ask Questions Using Quotes from the Text When you read it is important that you ask questions Use quotes from your book when asking a question "The author said, _________________. It makes me wonder if _________________."
Turn and Talk Share a question that you have about your independent reading book.
KBAD stop and jot with questions before, during, and after reading. Day 7
Ask Questions BDA You Read You will have questions about your book before, during and after you read It is important to stop and jot these questions so you don't forget them You will find answers to some of your questions and others there might be now answer for
Turn and Talk When can you stop and jot questions that you have about your book?
KBAD use context clues to find the meaning of new words. Day 8
Context Clue Strategies When you read you will come across new words all the time This is the best way to expand your vocabulary There are many strategies that make finding the meaning of new words easier
Turn and Talk What should you do when you come across a new word?
KBAD use domain specific vocabulary. Day 9
Domain Specific Vocabulary When you are reading about a specific topic you will come across vocabulary that has to do with the topic These are words that you will not use everyday You will need to understand the vocabulary if you are going to comprehend the text
Wetland areas surround New York’s Kennedy International Airport Wetland areas surround New York’s Kennedy International Airport. Diamondback terrapins like to lay eggs in the sand dunes in these areas. The sand keeps the eggs warm and also protects them from predators, or animals that hunt the turtles and their eggs. Unfortunately for these turtles, a runway at Kennedy Airport separates them from their nesting ground.
Turn and Talk Why is it important to notice domain specific vocabulary?
KBAD rereading and skimming to find information. Day 10
Rereading and Skimming Rereading is used when you are looking for the main idea or you don't understand what you've read Skimming is used when you are looking for a quick detail or the name of a person or place that you forgot
Wetland areas surround New York’s Kennedy International Airport Wetland areas surround New York’s Kennedy International Airport. Diamondback terrapins like to lay eggs in the sand dunes in these areas. The sand keeps the eggs warm and also protects them from predators, or animals that hunt the turtles and their eggs. Unfortunately for these turtles, a runway at Kennedy Airport separates them from their nesting ground.
Turn and Talk When is it important to reread a passage?
KBAD use different sources to gain background knowledge and point of view. Day 11
Gaining Background Knowledge If you want to learn more about a topic you need to read, read, read! The best way to get background information about a topic is to start reading Sources: books, newspaper articles, websites, textbooks, interviews
Turn and Talk What should you do if you wanted to learn more about deforestation?
KBAD determine the author's purpose, bias and influence. Day 12
Author's Purpose Every author has a purpose for writing: entertain, persuade, inform, teach Every author also has a point of view If they think something is important then they will want you to think it is important too!
Turn and Talk Why is it important to recognize the author's purpose?
KBAD identify context and tone. Day 13
Context and Tone Context: situation, what is happening at this point in the story Tone: the mood and feeling during the story
Turn and Talk What is the tone of your independent reading book?
KBAD mark up a text to confirm predictions. Day 14
Confirm Predictions When you are reading it is important to think about what is going to happen next in your story You can record your predictions in your reading responses or on post-it notes As you continue to read you can revisit your predictions to see if they came true
Turn and Talk Why is it important to check your predictions?
KBAD compare themes between texts. Day 15
Identify Different Themes Conservation/ preservation (Selective Logging) Restoration (Water Quality) Survival Man v. wild Activism Being a change agent Types of energy Toxins/chemicals Air Quality Water Quality Recycling Hazardous Waste Good v. Evil History of Law Friendships with animals Cooperation Seeing other’s point of view Tragedy/ Overcoming devastation Rebuilding Hope Commitment Going against the norm
Identify Different Themes Conservation/ preservation (Selective Logging) Restoration (Water Quality) Survival Man v. wild Activism Being a change agent Types of energy Toxins/chemicals Air Quality Water Quality Recycling Hazardous Waste Good v. Evil History of Law Friendships with animals Cooperation Seeing other’s point of view Tragedy/ Overcoming devastation Rebuilding Hope Commitment Going against the norm
Compare Themes When you are reading a book you can compare the theme to a book you have already read What do they have in common? What do you notice about each book?
Turn and Talk What is the theme of your book?
KBAD examine text features of essays. Day 16
Features of an Essay When you read an essay you want to look for: Introduction Body paragraph with topic sentence and details Conclusion
Turn and Talk What are the features of an essay?
KBAD summarize the deeper meaning of text. Day 17
Writing Summaries When you are writing a summary you want to focus on the "big picture" of the text Give the who, what, when, and why without including specific details. Your summary only needs to be about five sentences
In this chapter Jeffery needed to find his missing puppy Wiggles In this chapter Jeffery needed to find his missing puppy Wiggles. Wiggles ran away from home during Jeffery's birthday party. Jeffery looked all over his block for Wiggles but couldn't find him anywhere. Jeffery came home very upset only to find Wiggles waiting for him on his front steps. He realized that Wiggles needs to be kept in his bedroom if they're going to have a party at his house.
Turn and Talk What should be included in a summary?
KBAD notice how one question leads to another. Day 18
Asking Questions When you ask questions you will notice that one question often leads to another This happens when we read a book and are thinking deeply about what has happened in the story Good readers ask lots of questions and are always wondering about what is happening in their book
Turn and Talk Why is it important to ask questions as you read?
KBAD ask big questions and little questions. Day 19
Big Questions vs. Little Questions The questions that you ask when you read could be big or small Big questions: about the main idea or the whole book Little questions: about details or little parts of the story
Turn and Talk What is a little question that you have about the main character of your independent reading book?
KBAD respond with opinions that are supported with evidence. Day 20
Support Opinions with Evidence When you write a reading response you can give your opinions These opinions should be supported by evidence from the text When you think something support it with evidence from text
Turn and Talk What is an opinion you have about your independent reading book?