Mission Possible July 17 th and 18 th Day 1 and 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Mission Possible July 17 th and 18 th Day 1 and 2

Mission Dates Day 1 and 2: July 17 th and 18 th Day 3: October 3 rd Day 4: December 12 th Day 5: March 31 st We will begin at 9:00 and end by 3:00 each session.

Curriculum Tool Kit Revised Grade 2 TEKS/Grade 3 TEKS TEA Grade 2 Side by Side Document CSCOPE Instructional Focus Document (IFD) CSCOPE Transitional Alignment Document (TAG) Revised Grade 2 Year-at-a-Glance (YAG)

Unit 1 Scavenger Hunt

TAG Tool

Brainstorming and Discussion What is it we want our students to be able to know and be able to do as a result of this unit of instruction?

Fluency and Proficiency


Strategies, Activities and Interventions

Number Bonds Turn to page 13.

2012 Revised TEKS K.2(I) compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures. 1.3 (C) compose 10 with two or more addends with and without concrete objects; 1.3(D) apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract within 20, including making 10 and decomposing a number leading to a 10; 2.4 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order to solve addition and subtraction problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to: 2.4(A) recall basic facts to add and subtract within 20 with automaticity;

Decahedra Math Games

Basic Fact Cards

Is It a Bar Graph?

Bar Graphs

Common Mistakes Be sure to not confuse bar graphs and histograms. Although they resemble each other their details and uses are different. Bar Graphs are to be drawn with blank space between the bars to separate the items being compared. Histograms are drawn with no spaces, to show the equal-width classes.

Is It a Pictograph?


Common Mistakes

Day 2 Mission Possible

Curriculum Tool Kit Revised Grade 2 TEKS/Grade 3 TEKS TEA Grade 2 Side by Side Document CSCOPE Instructional Focus Document (IFD) CSCOPE Transitional Alignment Document (TAG) Revised Grade 2 Year-at-a-Glance (YAG)

Unit 3: Numeration Take this time to read and study the Unit 3 IFD. Discuss at your table instructional activities you do to support a deeper understanding for students in regard to our number system.

Unit 3: Numeration

Questions to Consider Can students decompose numbers by place value other than just a single digit? (How many tens make up the number 370?) Do students understand the equivalence of one group and the discrete units that constitute it? How do students use the 100s chart to solve problems? Can students employ strategies of using our number system both with and without the use of a 100s chart equally as effectively? Can students generalize the pattern of tens to count and build numbers over 100?

Place Value Place value strips Place value disk Turn to page 20-21





Eliminate Number Game *Two Dice *Place Value Chart *Place Value Disc Roll Numbers until a player cannot eliminate a number. Lowest Score Wins.

Graphing Resources Interactive Bar Graph - te/activities/BarGraph/ te/activities/BarGraph/ Interactive Pictograph Practice – th4/e/readpicto3p.cfm th4/e/readpicto3p.cfm

Graphing Resources Pictograph Games – h/data_analysis/pictograph/games / h/data_analysis/pictograph/games / -2-games/math-games/graph-and- tally.html -2-games/math-games/graph-and- tally.html

Graphing Resources Bug in a Box Read Story jY8ulpdPfU jY8ulpdPfU Lesson Plan

Unit 4: Number Lines Students must be able to count by tens on and off the decade and jump across tens! 1.5) Algebraic reasoning. The student applies mathematical process standards to identify and apply number patterns within properties of numbers and operations in order to describe relationships. The student is expected to 1.5(C) use relationships to determine the number that is 10 more and 10 less than a given number up to 120

Number Lines

Unit 4: Number Lines

Questions to Consider Do students have a clear sense of magnitude of numbers as they relate to each other our of the rote sequence? Do students recognize the relationship between a quantity and its location? Do students notice both the sequence of the numbers on a number line and the intervals used so that they can use the number line flexibly?


Money Read through the specificity regarding coins in Unit 4, then as a group provide a nonlinguistic representation on chart paper to define the overall understanding students should have upon completion of the instruction of Unit 4. Be sure your representation meets the bundled specificity listed within your Unit 4 IFD.

Concrete Addition/Subtraction Turn to page 42

Fluency and Proficiency