What are FPGA Power Management Software Options?
Objectives After completing this module, you will be able to: Explain some of the built in features that are already built into the ISE software Use the XST, MAP, and PAR options to manage power consumption
Software Power Optimization Roadmap 2006 XPE power estimator XPower Analyzer Power optimized routing ISE8.2i 2007 XPE power estimator XPower Power optimized routing Power optimized synthesis Power optimized placer LUT power reduction (Virtex-5) New XPA GUI (EA) ISE9.1/2i ISE10.1i Early 2008 XPE power estimator XPower Analyzer Power optimized routing Power optimized synthesis Power optimized placer LUT power reduction Activity based power Optimization Power optimized BRAM (sp3) ISE11.1i Early 2009 XPE power estimator XPower Analyzer Power optimized routing Power optimized synthesis Power optimized placer LUT power reduction Activity based power optimization Power optimized BRAM BUFGCE automatic generation FF packing onto minimum clock leaves More clock gating enhancements More synthesis enhancements Xilinx has a long history in power optimization software
Power Optimizations in ISE Clock power reduction in placement FF packing onto Minimum Clock Leaves Power-aware LUT mapping Clock gating Automatic use of the BUFGCE function in Virtex-4, Virtex-5, Spartan-3A/3ADSP New clock gating features (BUFHCE) Power-aware synthesis (cluster high-activity nets in common slices) Minimizes net delay Older power optimizations -lc auto (switch in MAP) allows splitting of LUT6 into two LUT5 Reduce capacitance for non-timing critical nets Minimize wire lengths/capacitance Prevents duplication of logic Reprogram LUT functions to reduce toggling nodes Product Architecture Dedicated Hard IP SW Power Optimization Process Technology Low Power Design Techniques Power Estimation Tools SW Power Optimization
Design Goals & Strategies Right-click on Synthesize-XST and select Design Goals & Strategies Sets various options for XST, MAP, and PAR for power optimization XST: Optimization Goal = Area XST: Power Reduction = True MAP: Power Reduction = True PAR: Power Reduction = True …and other options These options are set in an XDS file (strategy file) that is user editable.
Synthesis Options Right-click on Synthesize-XST Process Properties (default options shown) Optimization Goal – (Area) Reduces the overall amount of logic in the design This will hurt speed Power Reduction – (when checked) XST optimizes the design to consume as little power as possible
Other Synthesis Options Over-constraining (making timing constraints unnecessarily tight) during synthesis can significantly increase register use Seen as an average increase from 1–5 percent Do NOT over-constrain during synthesis Global optimization can lead to mixed results Can achieve ~10 percent flip-flop reduction Gives back much of the utilization benefits (and sometimes more) due to control signal generation FSM optimization Turning off FSM optimization can yield a small flip-flop savings One-hot encoding is not as useful Try turning the Logic Replication synthesis option off This is normally used to reduce net delays of high-fanout nets
MAP Options Right-click on Map Process Properties (default options shown) Power Reduction – (when checked) Enables timing driven packing to minimize routing Power Activity File – (when Power Reduction is checked) Allows you to specify a VCD or SAIF file to guide map This file is an output from simulation Allows MAP to set frequencies and activity rates for internal signals
PAR Options Right-click on Place & Route Process Properties (default options shown) Power Reduction – (when checked) Optimizes routing to enable power reduction Power Activity File – (when Power Reduction is checked) Allows you to specify a VCD or SAIF file to guide map This file is an output from simulation Allows PAR to set frequencies and activity rates for internal signals Synthesis tools react to timing constraints by replicating and making designs bigger, which is how they improve performance.
Power Optimization in ISE ISE v11.1 test results on a customer design (Virtex-5 LX110T) 9% average Predicted Power Reduction 18% dynamic power reduction for Vccint 13% Static and Dynamic Power for Vccint Customer Measured Board-Level Power Results ~ 13% Total Power Reduction
Summary Setting the Design Goals & Strategies option to Power Optimization makes all the necessary setting your need XST and the ISE software contain numerous options that WILL reduce your design’s power consumption As new optimizations are built into the software, this will continue to be the best way to enable power optimization Associate a Power Activity File to enable the tools to optimize your system’s dynamic power consumption Power optimization settings may hurt your design speed Always use timing constraint to allow the tools to improve your system timing
Where Can I Learn More? Xilinx Software Manuals (online or from ISE Help) www.support.xilinx.com Command Line User Guide Explains Power Optimization settings for Map and PAR XST User Guide Explains Power Optimization settings
Where Can I Learn More? Xilinx Education Services courses www.xilinx.com/training Designing with Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 Device Families course How to get the most out of both device families How to build the best HDL code for your FPGA design How to optimize your design for Spartan-6 and/or Virtex-6 How to take advantage of the newest device features Free Video Based Training How Do I Plan to Power My FPGA? Power Estimation What are the Spartan-6 Power Management Features? What are the Virtex-6 Power Management Features? What are FPGA Power Management HDL Coding Techniques?
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