ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line Cargo Tracking ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction ShipmentLink provides customers with the precise status of cargo and estimated arrival information. Customers may track their shipments by entering Bill of Lading number, Container number or Booking number. Tracing by B/L no.: provides more detail information including B/L basic information, container status, movement ,pick-up reference and special return depot information. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction ShipmentLink provides customers with the precise status of cargo and estimated arrival information. Customers may track their shipments by entering Bill of Lading number, Container number or Booking number. Tracing by container no.: provides the current status for container. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction ShipmentLink provides customers with the precise status of cargo and estimated arrival information. Customers may track their shipments by entering Bill of Lading number, Container number or Booking number. Tracing by booking no.: provides booking basic information and container data. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Manifest filing status Cargo Tracking Introduction Manifest filing status Provides Carrier status and customs status for customer to prepare to pick up their shipment. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction Provides office phone No. for import customer to contact our office easily. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction B/L basic information ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction Container information: including container number, container size, seal number on B/L, service type, quantity and current container status ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction By clicking container number, customers could view more detail container movements and intermodal status for each container. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction Provides release depot information, including depot name, address, phone number and contact person for customer to contact and prepare to pick up container quickly. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
Cargo Tracking Introduction New Cargo Tracking Introduction Normally, customer may return empty container to original pick-up depot. For off-hire container, ShipmentLink will indicate “Special Return Depot Information” to inform customer to return off-hire container to rent terminal directly. ShipmentLink provides e-commerce services for Evergreen Line
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