Scotland Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Olga Klimentová. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ květen 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_100113
Scotland obr. 1 a part of the United Kingdom (divided into 34 counties) location in the northern third of the island of Great Britain the capital Edinburgh the population over 5 million languages English (Scottish Gaelic, Scots)
obr. 2 obr. 3 St Andrew‘s Cross (the patron saint of Scotland) the oldest national flag still in use (dates from 9th cent) the flag the floral symbol the thistle a legend saved the Scots from their enemies National symbols
obr. 4 musical instruments the pipe the Great Highland Bagpipes (the harp, the fiddle and the accordion) a tartan kilt wollen cloth with a chequered pattern (each clan has a different one) a sporran a small leather or fur pouch worn around the waist a dagger traditionally worn in the right white knee sock a typical Scot
Edinburgh obr. 5 the second largest city in Scotland one of Europe‘s largest financial centres a hilly city dating back to medieval times the annual Edinburgh International Festival (takes place in late summer) the annual Edinburgh International Festival (takes place in late summer)
Edinburgh obr. 6 Edinburgh castle the home of Scotland‘s Royal family until 1603 (when King James I moved the throne to London) the home of Scotland‘s Royal family until 1603 (when King James I moved the throne to London)
Edinburgh obr. 7 The Palace of Holyroodhouse The Queen's official residence in Scotland
Edinburgh obr. 8 St Giles‘ Cathedral an unusual square design the Royal Mile the original and chief street of the city (located in the heart of the Old Town) connecting Edinburgh Castle with the Palace of Holyroodhouse
Scottish lakes obr. 9 Loch Lomond the largest inland loch in Scotland (37 km long)
Scottish lakes obr. 10 Loch Ness Urquhart castle a legendary monster called Nessie is said to live in the lake (first sighted in 6th century) the most famous lake in Scotland obr. 11
Glasgow obr. 12 its skyline: chimneys factories tower blocks the Cathedral the largest city in Scotland an industrial city and a seaport
Aberdeen obr. 13 the third largest city in Scotland called the Granite City the centre for North Sea oil a major port
Aberdeen obr. 14 St Machar‘s Cathedral founded in 1131 dominates the part of the city known as Old Aberdeen founded in 1131 dominates the part of the city known as Old Aberdeen
Stirling castle obr. 15 the geographical and historical centre of the country standing in a strategically commanding position on a volcanic crag The Wallace Monument commemorates Scotland‘s first freedom fighter William Wallace
The Highland Games obr. 16 Traditional sports throwing the hammer tossing the caber curling obr. 17 throwing a large tree-trunk as far as possible obr. 18
Haggis obr. 19 liver, cereals and fat made and served in a sheep´s stomach
Hogmanay obr. 20 fireworks over Edinburgh on New Year's Eve the Scottish name for New Year‘s Eve (time of great celebrations in Scotland)
Auld Lang Syne obr. 21 a songa song by Robert Burns sung all over Britain on the stroke of midnight on New Year‘s Eve
Jednotlivé snímky prezentace jsou animovány tak, aby se žák mohl do výkladu aktivně zapojit. Nejprve se zobrazí fotografie, po kliknutí pak název dané tematické oblasti, památky či zajímavého místa, a teprve poté se žák postupně seznámí s jednotlivými fakty a doplňujícími informacemi, nejčastěji ve formě stručných odrážek. Snímek 18 obsahuje hypertextový odkaz. METODICKÝ POKYN
POUŽITÁ LITERATURA HUMPHREYS, Rob a Donald REID. Skotsko. Brno: JOTA s.r.o., ISBN KINDERSLEY, Dorling. Velká Británie. Praha: Euromedia Group - Ikar, ISBN LOCKE, Tim, Richard CAVENDISH a Barnaby ROGERSON. Britain: explorer. 2. vydání. Basingstoke: AA Publishing Maps, ISBN MŰLLER, Martin. Skotsko. 3. vyd. Ostfildern: Mairdumont, ISBN
CITACE ZDROJŮ obr. 1: PEEPERMAN. File:Map of Scotland within the United Kingdom.svg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 2: KBOLINO. File:Flag of Scotland.svg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 3: SODACAN. File:Thistle Royal Badge of Scotland.svg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 4: SCHULZ, Lienhard. File:Pipes & Drums.JPG - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 5: MONNIAUX, David. File:Edinburgh Cockburn St dsc06789.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 6: MONNIAUX, David. [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 7: BONJOCH, Oliver. File:Royal Palace of Holyroodhouse.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 8: EVANS, George. File:St. Giles' Cathedral - jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z:
CITACE ZDROJŮ obr. 9: MUSIL, Hans. File:Loch Lomond - Blick aus den Bergen.jpeg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 10: ASBESTOS. File:LochNessUrquhart.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 11: FOOL. File:Memphre simple.svg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 12: HAIKNEY, Chris. File:Queens Park, Glasgow looking North West.JPG - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 13: SLESSOR, Richard. File:Aberdeen Mercat Cross.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 14: GORMAN, Martyn. File:St Machar's cathedral with watch house - jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: jpg jpg obr. 15: MORALIST. File:Wallacemonumentet.JPG - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 16: DEAKION. File:Scottish heavy hammer.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z:
CITACE ZDROJŮ obr. 17: DGER. File:Tossing the caber.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 18: THADIUS856. File:Curling pictogram flipped.svg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 19: TRAYNOR, Kim. File:Haggis at a Burns Supper.JPG - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 20: SHADE, Robbie. File:EdinburghNYE.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: obr. 21: TOBY001. File:Auld Lang Syne.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons z: