Interrogative Pronouns French 3 & 4
What is an interrogative pronoun? It is a pronoun used to ask for information. They always form questions.
Types of Interrogative Pronouns Subject Direct Object Object of the Preposition
Subject Interrogative Pronouns Used to ask for information about the subject Refers to something that comes before the verb or something that is doing the action. If it refers to a person, use the following pronouns: Qui Ex. Qui me cherche? = Who is looking for me? Qui est-ce qui Ex. Qui est-ce qui me cherche? = Who is looking for me? If it refers to an object, use the following pronouns: Qu’est-ce qui Ex. Qu’est-ce qui sonne? = What is ringing?
Direct Object Usually talks about a direct object or something or someone that directly comes after a verb If it refers to a person, use the following pronouns: Qui + inversion Qui est-ce que + subject + verb If it refers to a thing, use the following pronouns: Que + inversion Qu’est-ce que + subject + verb
Direct object examples People Qui voit-il? = Who does he see? Qui est-ce qu’il voit? = Who does he see? Things Que voit-il? = What does he see? Qu’est-ce qu’il voit? = What does he se?
Object of the Preposition Used to ask for information about the object of the preposition Refers to something that is part of a prepositional phrase meaning it follow a preposition. If it refers to a person, use the following pronouns: Preposition + qui + inversion Preposition + qui est-ce que + subject + verb If it refers to a thing, use the following pronouns: Preposition + quoi + inversion Preposition + quoi est-ce que + subject + verb
Object of the Preposition Examples Person A qui parle-t-il? = Who is he talking to? A qui est-ce qu’il parle? = Who is he talking to? Things De quoi avez-vous besoin? = What do you need? De quoi est-ce que vous avez besoin? = What do you need?