THE AIMS l Encourage Over 45s to access sport & physical activities & encourage healthy living l Raise awareness of the new and ever-growing activities available at the Hub l Work in partnership with local groups to help promote their work, spread their message and establish ongoing activity l Help older adults to overcome cultural and social barriers to Regents Park, the Hub and exercise
GET FITTER - FEEL FEARLESS - HAVE FUN! l Participation l Taste activities l Receive information & advice l Signpost l Entice Have fun!
ACTIVITIES l Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi l Touch Rugby l Last Man Stands Cricket l Circuit/resistance training l Heart/Health walk & Self-guided walks l Nordic walking l Ballroom dancing (Tango Al Fresco) l Tennis l Softball/baseball l Health checks l Personal training/advice l Others/Archery/Climbing wall???
MARKETING l Leaflet/brochure 30,000 print run door drop l Poster, 1000 for park boards, concessions & partners to display l Web pages - with hyperlinks, hosted on TRP main site l Royal Parks summer event programme l Media promotion l Advertising - local press l Celebrity involvement - tbc l Sport England - tie in with Over 50s month On site directional signage & walk leaders at main gates l Local community groups
ADMINISTRATION l PAR-Qs & badges l Sign-posting booklet l Prize Draw l Goodie Bags l Risk Assessments l Public Liability Insurance l Qualifications l First Aid Enticements!
BENEFITS TO PARTNER ORGANISATIONS l Stand & presence at event to promote work & reach new audiences l Inclusion in sign-posting booklet l Hyperlinks on web-site l Opportunities to develop ongoing activities/events from the Hub Access to mailing details - (where participants have agreed to data transfer)
OTHER OPERATIONAL ISSUES l Any questions? l Suggestions for other activities?
PARTNER COMMITMENT l Are you committed? l Can you deliver? l Can you help us to promote the event? l What support do you need from us? l Can you provide us with prizes/goodies? l Complete our forms