By Sue Leibold Library Director Clarke College Dubuque, Iowa
Small catholic liberal arts school in midwest 1200 full-time students Also offer MBA, MSN, and PhD. in Physical Therapy Small library staff Participated in READ Scale Study in 2007
Previous Reference Librarian had participated in the READ Scale Study New Librarian continued with The READ Scale in August of 2007 to see what could be learned from tracking reference interactions using READ Scale Would evaluate scales usefulness in a year
Staff resistance and following through on keeping stats. In my case, Administration looking to new librarian to be more active in student learning and information literacy and produce measureable results- READ Scale one tool that could be used to help show this active participation by library Is it an effective measuring tool for our institution?
Develop a common “READ Scale” language among READ Scale users Build confidence using the scale Discuss scenarios and how to rate reference transactions Train work-study students to know when to turn over question
Clearer picture of quality/quantity of help provided READ could provide a better understanding of types of tutorials and other training we could offer to students Provide a clearer picture to administration the value of library and library staff
Way to gather statistics that could help us build better library programs/information sessions Better way to track problem areas students had with assignments/topics Help us better define what is: effort / knowledge / skill / teaching Become better librarians by finding more effective ways to handle questions
Read Read 2 20 Read 3 38 Read 4 38 Read 5 0 Read 6 0 Total 798 Short staffed Most “#1” logged by student workers.
Read Read 2 65 Read Read 4 4 Read 5 0 Read 6 0 Total 712
Ranks 2 and 3 that required significant time and effort on the part of the staff member. Spring 2008 Work in progress and will continue to evaluate and modify as needed