November December V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50 V51 V52 Time-schedule Arbetsförmedlingen ”Volvo” 2008 Office- organisation at VCC built up and ready to start Office- organisation at Volvo Trucks built up and ready to start Starting- point at VCC 10/11. Starting-point at Volvo Trucks 4/11. First group of 300 st leaves VCC Information -meetings at VCC First group of 610 starts to leave Volvo Trucks Second group of 1700 starts to leave VCC Recruitment-day in Gothenburg, 14 employers Information -meetings at VCC First unemployment- day for group from VCC First unemployment- day for group from Volvo Trucks Information- meetings at Volvo Trucks Starting-point city-office for whitecollar
Time-schedule Arbetsförmedlingen ”Volvo” 2009 Februari JuniAugusti NovemberDecember V1 V5 V10 V15V20 V30 V32 V 51 Groups whitecollar starts to leave Volvo IT, Volvo Powertrain, Semcon, Manpower, Addecco Information-meetings Runs up to v 25 → Office at VCC moves in to city Second group of 315 leaves Volvo Trucks Office at Volvo Trucks moves in to city Third group of 350 leaves Volvo Trucks Phasing out Arbetsförmedlingen ”Volvo” starts.. completed 31/12.
Current number of people at Af Volvo : 0 Current number of people at Af Volvo : 0 Current number of people at Af Volvo : and of these 784 unemployed Current number of people at Af Volvo : and of these 784 unemployed Total numbers during actual period: personer Numbers of persons who begun employment measures: 417 Numbers of persons who begun employment measures: 417 Flow-diagram Af Volvo Göteborg Flow-diagram Af Volvo Göteborg * Av dessa kan vissa finnas kvar i af:s system som ombytessök., tillf anst. och deltidsa-lösa. ** Avaktual. av annan orsak än arbete t ex annan utbildning, militärtjänstgöring, annan känd el. okänd orsak Numbers of registrated during actual period: Numbers of persons received new job during actual period: 1 470* Numbers of persons who left Arbetsförmedlingen for other reasons than new job: 280**