Entry Task
Learning Outcomes To know the story of creation in Genesis and understand the links to the Big Bang and Evolution theories. How will we achieve this? Revisit and discuss the evolution theory. Create a diagram or chart outlining the story of creation. Compare the two accounts and suggest differences and similarities.
Have we really ‘evolved’? Hook into learning Have we really ‘evolved’?
Evolution … or creation?
1859: Darwin’s “Origin of Species” challenged religious orthodoxy It conflicted with the Bible – and what people had believed for over 3800 years
The process of evolution From simple to more complex organisms Increasing diversity Through natural selection – survival of the fittest. Weakest die out. Remaining species heading toward perfection.
Most people believed that a world this beautiful was created rather than an accident.
Learning Outcomes To know the story of creation in Genesis and understand the links to the Big Bang and Evolution theories. How will we achieve this? Revisit and discuss the evolution theory. Create a diagram or chart outlining the story of creation. Compare the two accounts and suggest differences and similarities.
The Creation story in Genesis – the 1st book of the Bible This story was written 5000 years ago. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. There was darkness everywhere until God’s spirit moved. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that light was good This was the first day.
2nd ‘day’ On the 2nd day, God separated the air from the waters. He called the air above the water, heaven. God saw that it was good. This was the 2nd day.
3rd ‘day’ Then God gathered the waters together until dry ground appeared. God called it ‘land’ and the waters ‘seas’ and saw that it was good. Then God said, let the land produce vegetation, plants with seeds and fruit. God saw that it was good. This was the third day.
4th ‘day’ God said, let there be lights in the heavens to separate day from night. These will be signs for the seasons and years. God made two great lights. The greater one for the day, and the lesser one for the night. God set them in heaven to give light to the earth. God saw that it was good. This was the fourth day.
5th ‘day’ God said, let the waters be filled with living creatures. Let birds fly above the land across the face of heaven. God created the great sea creatures and every moving creature in the seas. God created every winged bird and saw that it was good. God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and increase, and fill the waters in the seas; and the birds let increase upon the earth." This was the fifth day.
6th ‘day’ On the sixth day, God said, let the land be filled with creatures – cattle, things that crawl and wild animals. God saw that it was good. Then God said, "Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness, and let them reign over the fish of the sea, and the birds of air, and the cattle, and all the land, and all the creatures that crawl upon the earth.“ So God created male and female in the image of himself. God saw that it was good. This was the 6th day.
God rests Chapter 2: Heaven and earth were completed in all their vast array. God finished on the seventh day the work that he had been doing and rested. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day he had rested from all the work of creation that he had done.
Learning Outcomes To know the story of creation in Genesis and understand the links to the Big Bang and Evolution theories. How will we achieve this? Revisit and discuss the evolution theory. Create a diagram or chart outlining the story of creation. Compare the two accounts and suggest differences and similarities.
What do you think? Creation: man is special, different from animals; put here for a purpose Evolution: man is nothing special, just an advanced animal; man is an “accident” of nature; ….man is in control (?)
Man and apes 96% common genes (really??)
Learning Outcomes To know the story of creation in Genesis and understand the links to the Big Bang and Evolution theories. How will we achieve this? Revisit and discuss the evolution theory. Create a diagram or chart outlining the story of creation. Compare the two accounts and suggest differences and similarities.
Comparing the 2 accounts science religion A Big Bang Universe and atmosphere Planet earth cools, seas form, a crust on the planet becomes land then plants appear. Life began in the oceans. Dinosaurs eventually evolved from birds. More complex life – reptiles and mammals. Human beings. God created light. God created the heavens. God created sea, land and plants. God created the sun and moon. God created fish and birds. God created a range of animals and finally humans.
Different views There is a variety of interpretations of the biblical accounts of creation among Christians today. Most believe that God brought the universe into being from nothing (ex nihilo); some believe that it was created from matter that already existed (ex materia). Some Christians take the biblical accounts of creation literally, believing that they describe exactly how the universe and human beings were created. Other Christians regard these accounts as more like parables or symbolic accounts that tell (in story form) how God brought the universe and all that is in it into being, and sustains his creation. These Christians might look to science to help them understand how God did this.
Learning Outcomes To know the story of creation in Genesis and understand the links to the Big Bang and Evolution theories. How will we achieve this? Revisit and discuss the evolution theory. Create a diagram or chart outlining the story of creation. Compare the two accounts and suggest differences and similarities.