Results-Based Management (RBM) and the UNDAF Results Matrix Main Menu
UNDAF Results Before… There was an agreed plan, but each agency implemented individually – the UNDAF was driven by agency mandates and became fragmented… “business as usual” And now… There is a single matrix within the UNDAF that links the strategic contribution of UN agencies’ country programmes to targeted national priorities
What is a Results Matrix? The core of the UNDAF An “at-a-glance” expression of UN system support at country level, and How it will make a strategic contribution towards National Development Goals and MDG targets Uses principles and terminology of Results Based Management (RBM)
Principles of RBM “If-Then” causality between levels of results Common results language to describe changes Collective accountability increases as you move up the chain of results towards outcomes and impacts Key message No agency can go it alone! A results matrix is a means not an end A results matrix is contextual (anchored in the current context of the country) AND… Uses the best judgment of the UNCT at all times
The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs. Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. Impact: Outcome: Outputs: Definitions (adapted from OECD/DAC) The products and services which result from the completion of activities within a development intervention. Primary education completion rates among boys and girls increased 1500 teachers in primary schools in selected districts have improved teaching skills and methods Quality of school instruction increased in selected districts Human Change Products & Services Skills & Abilities Institutional & Behavioural Change
The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs. Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. Impact Outcome Output Definitions The products and services which result from the completion of activities within a development intervention.
Types of Change Impact Outcome Output Changes in the lives of people Institutional Change: values, ethic, rules, laws – associated with to institutional performance, access.. Behavioural change: knowledge, skills, practices (individual level) Operational Change: provision of goods and services
more less Collective Accountability A Typology for RBM Outcome Impact Output Activity More children complete school Quality of instruction increased Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened -To train 1500 teachers -To revise curriculum ResultsLike… Timeframe <1 yr <5 yrs 5 yrs 5-10 yrs Institutional/ Behavioural Operational/ skills, abilities, products & services Human! Outcome Enrolment increased Institutional/ Behavioural 5 yrs then if then
Group Activity Using the set of cards provided, develop a results matrix…
Other Definitions Role of Partners –Identifies stakeholders involved in the achievement of each CP output and explains their contribution Resource Mobilisation Targets –The estimated financial resource mobilisation target of each UN agency (and partners if possible) related to the CP outcome. These are aggregated for a UN targeted contribution towards the UNDAF outcome Coordination Mechanisms & Programme Modalities (1) individual agency programmes/projects, or (2) parallel programmes, or (3) joint programmes
From Results Matrix to M&E Framework M&E Framework Expected UNDAF OutcomesIndicators (w. baseline)Sources of Verification Outcome 1Indicator 1 Baseline Source CP OutcomeIndicator 1 Baseline CP OutputsIndicator 1 Baseline Outcome 2… National Target/ MDG UNDAF Outcome CP OutcomeCP OutputsRole of Partners Resource Mob. Targets Improved quality of instruction Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened Improved quality of instruction Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened National education legislation adopted ?? No reliable source Learning performance Teacher testing results Information transferred Primary school completion rates are improved by 10% By 2011, policies and programmes implemented for increased enrollment and improved quality 1. MoED reports 2. Spot visits MoED reports
Table 2: UNDAF M&E Calendar Yr 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 4Yr 5 Surveys/ Studies Monitoring Systems Evaluations Reviews UNDAF Eval. Milestones Capacity Building Use of info Partner M&E Activities UNCT M&E Activities Planning Refs. WFP - VAM (by February) CCA Prep. (March-May) Nat HIV/AIDS Review (Sept) Eval. of support to Nat. HIV/AIDS Prog (Outcome 2); UNAIDS- May) HHS Survey on Poverty (Outcome 4; UNDP- March) PRSP (July-Nov)
Table 1:UNDAF M&E Framework OutcomesIndicators (w. baseline) Sources of verification Risks & Assumptions UNDAF Outcome 1 CP Outcome 1.1 Major Outputs… CP Outcome 1.2 Major Outputs… Indicator 1 Baseline: Indicator 1.1 Baseline: Indicator 1.2 Baseline: Source 1 Agency resp. Source 1.1 Agency resp. Source 1.2 Agency resp. Summary of risks and assumptions for each UNDAF and CP outcome UNDAF Outcome 2 … UNDAF Outcome 3 …
What is a Country Programme Action Plan What is an Annual Work Plan What is your role as Junior Professional Officers in the CPAP and AWP
Country Programme Action Plan Before… A mixed bag of programme and project documents using different formats, timelines, and preparation processes with partners And now… Readable, transparent and accessible programme action plans, linked explicitly to common, longer term UN development results
Annual Work Plan Before… a variety of project documents large variations in detail not always linked to CDPs or UNDAF priorities And now… standardised work plan that provides operational detail connected to the UNDAF / CPDs strategic results
From Results Matrix to CPAP National Priority and Goals UNDAF Outcome CP OutcomeCP OutputsRole of Partners Resource Mob. Targets Quality of instruction increased Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) UNDAF Outcome 1 Agency Programme Component CP Outcome 1.1 Output 1.1.1Output targets and indicators Indicative Resources (per yr) UNDAF Outcome 2 Quality of instruction increased Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened Basic Education Teacher testing results $$ Regular and Other Resources Primary school completion rates are improved by 10% By 2005, 30% more children are enrolled in primary school
From CPAP to AWP Country Programme Action Plan UNDAF Outcome 1 Agency Programme Component CP Outcome 1.1 Output 1.1.1Output targets and indicators Indicative Resources (per yr) Quality of instruction increased By 2005, 75% of children complete a quality primary ed. Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened Basic Education Teacher testing results $$ Regular and Other Resources Annual Work Plan Outputs & Monitoring Activities Key ActivitiesTimeframeResponsible Party Planned Budget Q1Q2Q3Q4Sour ce Desc r. Amount Skills of 1500 teachers strengthened - To train 300 teachers -To revise curriculum …etc …
The Annual Work Plan (AWP) Monitoring Tool Year_______ CP Component______________________ Implementing Partner ________________ EXPECTED CP OUTPUTS AND INDICATORS INCLUDING ANNUAL TARGETS PLANNED ACTIVITIES List all the activities including monitoring and evaluation activities to be undertaken during the year towards stated CP outputs EXPENDI TURES List actual expenditures against activities completed RESULTS OF ACTIVITIES For each activity, state the results of the activity PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING CP OUTPUTS Using data on annual indicator targets, state progress towards achieving the CP outputs. Where relevant, comment on factors that facilitated and/or constrained achievement of results including: - Whether risks and assumptions as identified in the CP M&E Framework materialized or whether new risks emerged - Internal factors such as timing of inputs and activities, quality of products and services, coordination and/or other management issues OUTPUT 1: INDICATOR 1.1 WITH TARGET FOR THE YEAR: INDICATOR 1.2 WITH TARGET FOR THE YEAR: INDICATOR 1.3 WITH TARGET FOR THE YEAR: OUTPUT 2: INDICATOR 2.1WITH TARGET FOR THE YEAR: ETC.
Joint Programs
Why… ? When it makes sense or adds value from a programmatic point of view: –Maximize impact of collective UN interventions. –Contributes to a more coherent, effective and efficient UN in its endeavour to help realize national goals and priorities. –Reduces duplication, transaction costs and maximizes synergies.
What is a Joint Programme ? A set of activities contained in a common work plan and related budget involving two or more UN organizations and national partners
JP Management Options Parallel Fund Management Agencies work for common result with various partners Pass-Through Fund Management Agencies work for common result and donor funds are channeled through one agency for efficiency Pooled Fund Management Agencies work for common result with common partner
JP Management Options Parallel Fund Management Different partners Each agency manages its own funds Common work plan agreed by all agencies Aggregated / common budget showing different inputs
Parallel Fund Management
JP Management Options Pass-Through Fund Management Agencies approach donors for funding for JP Donor funds pass through Administrative Agent Administrative Agent selected by participating agencies Letter of Agreement signed Substantive expertise Operational capacity & country presence 1% admin fee for Administrative Agent Each agency recovers their indirect costs as per their rules Administering Agent prepares consolidated progress & financial reports
Pass-through Fund Management
JP Management Options Pooled Fund Management Common national or sub-national partner Agencies pool funds Managing Agent manages funds through MOU Agent chosen jointly by agencies and government Substantive expertise Operational capacity & country presence Managing Agent recovers indirect costs
Pooled Fund Management
UNDAF Annual Review Theme Groups review progress (including assessment of joint programmes) for each UNDAF Outcome (based on Annual Work plans) and produces 2-3 page report UNCT reviews theme group reports Informs RC’s annual report as well as agency and donor reports
UNDAF Evaluation A joint UN review which assesses: - to what extent the UNDAF outcomes have been achieved and if this has contributed to achieving national goals (impact) - to what extent the UNDAF outcomes continue to be relevant - the effectiveness of the UNDAF as a tool for UN system collaboration, including joint programmes …And informs subsequent CCA-UNDAF preparation for the next 5year cycle
UNCT Joint Programming Process CCAUNDAFCPDs UNDAF Evaluation CCA 2 UNDAF 2 Strategic Planning Programme Implementation M and E Jan - JunDec Identify Potential Areas for Joint Programmes Results Matrix JSM M & E Plan AWPs CPAPs Sept - DecJan - Mar AWPs Theme Groups, Annual Reviews, RC Annual Report AWPs Readers group Penultimate YearUltimate Year Nov Articulate Joint Programmes Projects Exec Boards Workshops