After Johannesburg The way to sustainable development Pekka Haavisto GRID - Arendal 10 June 2002
Johannesburg th August – 4th September 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa WSSD = World Summit on Sustainable Development ”People, Planet and Prosperity” Links between environment, poverty and development Review of the implementation of Rio
Milestones to Johannesburg Stockholm 1972: Human Environment Our Common Future 1987 (Brundtland report) Rio 1992: Environment and Development (UNCED, ”Earth Summit”) Agenda 21: Plan of action Johannesburg 2002: Sustainable Development (WSSD)
Rio Earth Summit 1992 Participation: 172 governments, 108 heads of states, 2,400 NGO representatives, 17,000 activists in the parallel NGO forum Results: Agenda 21, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Statement of Forest Principles, Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity New UN mechanisms: Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
Momentum? Stockholm 1972: End of colonialism, Limits to Growth (Club of Rome) Rio 1992: End of cold war, new independent states, environment and development (Brundtland-report) Johannesburg 2002: War against terrorism, global deal
Key issues for Johannesburg Poverty, development, environment Financing for development (”Global deal”) Global environmental governance (”World environmental organisation WEO”) Implementation of environmental agreements (e.g. Kyoto protocol) Multi-stakeholder process: private sector, local level, NGO’s
Preparations for Johannesburg UN reports Regional round tables, regional proposals NGO-forums Country progress reports (and shadow reports) Best practices Prep-coms: US New York March 2002, Indonesia Bali May 2002
An African conference African renaissance Poverty and environment AIDS ans other deseases Water Desertification and land degradation Women and development Good governance, conditionality
Energy consumption 1995
Resource flows to developing countries
Growing disparities in incomes among regions
Top 15 recipients of FDI
External debt of developing countries
Total net ODA
Monterrey: EU Commitments An average 0,39 % ODA target by 2006 Minimum country level 0,33 % by 2006 Additional 7 billion USD by 2006 EU represents more than 50 % ODA worldwide 25,4 billion USD in 2000
Monterrey: US commitments ODA increasing by 5 billion USD in next three years 50 % increase of US ODA Accountability Conditionality: democracy, human rights, anti-corruption...
Global environmental governance More than 500 international treaties and agreements, 320 regional 41 core multilateral environmental agreements (MEA’s), separate secretariats Problems in compliance, enforcement and financing of the treaties Trade has been taking over environment
Countries reporting their environmental performance
UN system incoherent UNEP United Nations Environment Programme CSD Committee on Sustainable Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme Other special agencies (WHO, FAO, UNICEF etc.) GEF Global Environment Facility Environmental conventions Need of coherence in UN & environment
Private sector Role of multi-national companies Foreign direct investments (FDI) increasing Voluntary commitments Code of conducts Global Compact (UN)
Non-governmental organisations Democratic rights Human rights Access to information Public participation Local agenda 21´s ”Global Århus” NGO representation in global processes
What is needed? World Environment Organisation (WEO) Secured financing for global environmental governance World Sustainable Development Forum (renewed ECOSOC?) New mechanisms for public participation (global democracy) Reliable information on environment
Information for decision making Scientific uncertainties Precautionary principle Early warnings Difficulties to define sustainable development (”sustainable growth, sustainable economic development etc.”) Political fights (climate...)
Challenges for GRID-Arendal Define your strenghts Make a division of work with others (REC, EEA, WCMC etc) Criterias & statistics for sustainable development and environment & development Climate & flexible mechanisms ”the only game in town” Creeping crisis, conflicts of the future
Thank you