1 From “Humanizing the City” to “Exercising Rights to the City" Tools to present research results to local authorities: 1.Observatories / Unesco Chairs on inclusiveness and citizenship 2.Focus on international migrants and urban policies, opportunities and challenges for cities’, social sustainability in urban settings 3.Visibility during major international events on cities and urban issues 2010: - Shanghai World Expo 2010 ‘Better City, Better Life’: 1 May – 31 October UN-HABITAT WUF V: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), October Testing of tool kits with regional offices and relevant local authorities in 2009/2010 (Incheon World City Conference 2009, Shanghai Expo on “Better City, Better Life” 2010 ) Social Inclusion in Urban Settings 1 Migration impact on urban development: a right-based approach to elaborate urban policies
2 An international research project of UN-HABITAT and UNESCO Launched March 2005 Urban Policies and the Right to the City: Rights, Responsibilities and citizenship Social Inclusion in Urban Settings 2 Results will be presented at the - World Expo Shanghai, from May to October World Urban Forum V in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in October 2010
3 Social Inclusion in Urban Settings3 UNESCO Chairs as tools to create linkages between research and decision making A.Existing chairs / tool Kit: 1.UNESCO Chair “Landscape and Environmental Design”, Montreal Annual workshops between local authorities and universities (Marrakech 2004, Saïda 2005, Mahdia 2006, Ganghwa 2007, Shanghai 2008, Kobe 2009, New Delhi 2010). 2.UNESCO Chair in “Urban Policies and Citizenship”, Lyon (2007) Conference on Challenges and Issues of Right to the City (Sweden 2008) Conference on Empowerment in Urban Policies (France, Porquerolles Island September 2009) 3.UNESCO Chair in “Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants: Urban Policies and Practice”, Venice (2008) International Conference on Inclusion of International Migrants (Venice, 19/20 March 2009) 4.UNESCO Chair in “Social Sustainability in Historic Districts”, Seoul (2008) First workshop from 14 to 22 February “Historic Districts for All: a social and human approach for a sustainable revitalisation”: First training sessions with AIMF* (Hué, 25 October 2007), CLGF* (Seville, May 2008) and UN- HABITAT financed by private sponsors (Space Group) (Nanjing, November 2008). AIMF: Association internationale des Maires Francophones / CLGF: Commonwealth Local Government Forum
4 B.Forthcoming tool Kit for the 35C/5: 1.Regionalisation of the tool kit “Historic Districts for All” by New Delhi UNESCO office, UNESCO Chairs and National Commissions, in (ROK, China, India, 2008/2009) 2.Tool kit and research center on inclusive cities with Brasilia UNESCO Office, UN- HABITAT, UN-DESA (Porto Alegre / Rio de Janeiro), 2010 Many thanks for your attention