Where is Rio De Janeiro located? Rio De Janeiro is located on the east coast of Brazil, a large country in South America. Before Brasilia became the capital Rio was the Brazilian capital. Overall, Brazil has 7,491 kilometers of coastline.
The Harbor The harbor of Rio De Janeiro is sometimes called Guanabara Bay, and it was shaped by erosion from the Atlantic ocean. The harbor has a narrow passageway to the Atlantic. Surrounding the bay are granite monolith mountains that include Sugar Loaf Mountain. Sugar Loaf Mountain stands at 1,296 ft. where nobody could miss it. There are many islands in the bay such as Governor’s Island, Fundao Island, and Snakes Island.
The Religious Elements Most of the current residents of Brazil are Catholic. On top of Corcovado stands a statue of worship called Christ the Redeemer. Christ the Redeemer is the fifth largest statue of Jesus in the world. The statue was designed by Heitor da Silva Costa and Paul Landowski. The structure is 130 ft. tall and construction began in 1922.
The First Brazilians The Tupi Indians were the first people to ever live in Brazil. Within the large tribe there were probably about 70 sub-tribes. The sub-tribes were constantly at war with one another. However when the Portuguese explorers came to claim the land they weren’t strong enough so the Portuguese defeated them, taking over Brazil.
History He was a Portuguese explorer who set sail around May 10, On roughly August 17, 1501 he landed on the Brazilian coast at about 5˚ S. On 1/1/1502 he and his crew members reached Guanabara Bay, hence the name River of January. (Rio De Janeiro) Sometime in the mid 18 th century European settlers discovered gold just northeast of Rio De Janeiro. GONÇALO COELHOGold
Carnival Carnival is a huge festival all over Rio De Janeiro. It is held between March and February every year. It symbolizes the beginning of the religious tradition Lent. A large portion of the 5.5 million Brazilian residents participate in almost all of the activities provided.
Carnival Events 2013 Samba Parade Carnival Balls Magic Ball Rio Scala Ball Samba Land Samba School Nights Street Parties Street Bands Many More
Bibliography Website #1: Rio De Janeiro Harbour of Rio De Janeiro culturezoo /1/12 Website #2: Rio De Janeiro Rio De Janeiro Lee Krystek /1/12 Website #3: Rio De Janeiro Rio De Janeiro Scholastic /15/12 Website #4: Christ The Redeemer Christ The Redeemer gXF6ZUn5xJMmyvxaIalNLJzsNgsi_1j7OUYBAOu1Vu4qAAAA&sa=X&psj=1&ei=K- 3pUILwH6fO0QGr9ICoBQ&ved=0CIUBEOkTMAs&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.dmQ&fp=a4c147812de756a9&bpcl= &biw=1 600&bih=646 Google Industries /6/13 gXF6ZUn5xJMmyvxaIalNLJzsNgsi_1j7OUYBAOu1Vu4qAAAA&sa=X&psj=1&ei=K- 3pUILwH6fO0QGr9ICoBQ&ved=0CIUBEOkTMAs&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.dmQ&fp=a4c147812de756a9&bpcl= &biw=1 600&bih=646 Website #5: Goncalo Coelho Goncalo Coelho Wikipedia 10/26/12
Outline I. Rio De Janeiro A. Location 1. Brazil (East Coast) 2. Small passageway to the Atlantic 3. Surrounded by mountains B. Religion 1. Catholic 2. Christ The Redeemer C. Discovery 1. Goncalo Coelho 2. European Settlers 3. Tupi Indians D. Carnival 1. Samba Parade 2. Magic Ball 3. More activities