8 Things You Shouldn’t Say to People who are Black By Jessica Brianna Tindal
You’re So Articulate! Although it may intended as a compliment, instead comes across as being condescending. It implies the person being complimented is an exception to the rule and is exhibiting behavior that isn’t typical of others of his or her ethnic background.
Is That Your Real Hair???? Your general curiosity in this case can sound racist to the person being asked and can sound like you’re implying that a person of their race cannot have hair of that length or texture.
“You” People Who exactly are "You people," and how do they differ from regular people? Then ask yourself who are regular people and why are they considered regular?
You don’t like fried chicken??? Ask yourself why you are shocked that they don’t eat fried chicken. Fried chicken is a common food in Black culture and in many cultures. The belief that ALL Black people do or say anything is exactly the same way is prejudiced! This goes for any other race as well. The differences within groups is greater than the differences between groups.
Why are you acting White? Consider this a relative of "You're so articulate." Why would exhibiting proper behavior, manners or dialect be categorized as acting White? If that's the case, what does it mean to act Black?
You Don’t Sound Black on the Phone One question: what does Black sound like? Saying this implies that you believe that Black people are supposed to talk a certain way, like being surprised that someone Black can be articulate is offensive to those that are. Articulation of speech has nothing to do with what makes someone Black or not.
The N-word It doesn’t matter if there’s an ‘A’ or ‘er’ on the end, don’t say it to anyone. If that bothers you, ask yourself why is it so important to you to be able to say it?
I don’t think of you as Black Saying this seems as though thinking of them as Black is bad or uncomfortable for you. Ask yourself what’s wrong with thinking of them as Black? They are Black and will always be Black, no matter how many things you have in common with them.