RE Revision Matters of life and death
Matters of Life and Death (a) What is the Sanctity of Life? (2) (b) Outline two different attitudes to abortion in Christianity. (6) (c ) Explain why believers from one religion other the Christianity believe in the afterlife(8) (d) Life belongs to God (4)
Sanctity of Life The sanctity of life means that life is pure, special and holy.
Christians and abortion Catholics do not agree with abortion as they believe that at the moment of conception life begins. If this is the case abortion is murder which is a sin. The commandments say thou shall not kill Life is a special gift from God that should be treasured.However, despite not liking abortion due to teachings on the sanctity of life the Church of England look to Jesus teachings of forgiveness and compassion in their treatment of women. They argue that abortion is acceptable in the case of rape as it could make the woman hate the child, and that woman should be treated with kindness after such an ordeal. Children should also be bought up in a loving environment which might not be the case in this situation. (6)
Muslims & the afterlife Muslims are taught constantly through the Quran that Paradise is the reward for living life as a good Muslim…Their reward is with their Lord.. They believe they only have one life and their actions will be judged at the end. Allah will judge all believers. At the point of death the soul is released from the body. It is a great deed to sit with a dying person and to say the Shahadah for them if they are unable. According to the Quran everyone will pass over the abyss of hell by way of a bridge.The righteous cross into paradise and the wicked fall into the gaping jaws of hell.
Life belongs to God A Christian would agree with this as they believe that God has a plan for every human life and decides when life starts and end Before you were born I knew you (1/2) Muslim would also agree with this as they believe that Allah creates the best things and all life and therefore only God has the right to take it away. Muslims believe that you would not go to heaven if you sped up your death.(2/3) I disagree because I do not believe in God. I think that life is special but it is up to us to decide how we make the most out of it and if we are suffering and needed to end our life that should be our decision to make.