1 Summer school ‘Exploring entrepreneurship’ 2014: agenda Chepurenko Alexander, Prof. Dr., National research university Higher School of Economics / Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science
Specific need for such a summer school in Europe Europe is a diverse set of cultures and economies Entrepreneurship develops differently under these heterogeneous conditions Policy goals are rather positive towards development of entrepreneurship, whilst instruments and policy design very diverse Hence, a practical need and opportunity to study entrepreneurship in cross–cultural context 2
The main pillars of each summer school program ( 1) Lectures and master-classes to provide an intro (2) Visits to different institutions of entrepreneurship support and meetings with entrepreneurs (3) Task forces work in small scale groups to prepare final presentations How it looked last years? (See following slides)
4 (1) Lectures and master-classes to provide an intro
5 (2) Visits to different institutions of entrepreneurship support and meetings with entrepreneurs
6 (3) Task forces work in small scale groups to prepare final presentations
7 To be defended on the final day
8 Outputs for students are: Incremental knowledge in Entrepreneurship theory and methods: for example on - effectuation and causation role in start-up decision making - GEM and it’s implications in cross-country quantitative data analysis - Entrepreneurship and crisis - Entrepreneurial universities - SME and entrepreneurship policy - Productive, unproductive and destructive entrepreneurship - Social entrepreneurship - informal entrepreneurial activity As well as cross-cultural teamwork competences and presentation skills and…
Certificates and awards
10 Cultural experience
11 Widening of social capital
General title of this year “Entrepreneurship Research: Will it still need me when I am 64 ? ” Should be future oriented – both as regards the lectures as well as regards the students presentations Hence, please try to view the literature we prepared for home reading under the lens of prospects of entrepreneurship theory in coming decades
Who is an entrepreneur? (Questions) The entrepreneurial activity is becoming bigger in societies and among social groups who don’t belong to white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant tradition. What does it imply for the entrepreneurship research? Societies are becoming older, and people in advanced age are still active and entrepreneurial. Should in future the young age not more be the most often occurring entrepreneurial type? Which personal characteristics may become more and which less important for entrepreneurs in future?
Entrepreneurship and crisis (Questions) Are crises times rather to start or to quit a business? May it change in future? In future, which features should a business have to be sustainable? Whether there are entrepreneurs with effectual or causal logic who are more efficient during the crisis and why?
Universities and Entrepreneurship (Questions) Which kind of competences universities enable students may become more important in future: technology and business skills, or motivation and social contacts? Universities in future will switch to the on-line based educational model. However, the tacit entrepreneurial spin-off effect of universities now consists in providing networking between students, teachers, business angels. Will this entrepreneurial environment be lost in future due to the individualization and virtualization of educational process? Traditional university courses are fostering causal logic, whilst entrepreneurs are usually driven primarily by the effectual logic. How should change the educational model of universities in case they really become entrepreneurial universities?
Social entrepreneurship and the State (Questions) Social entrepreneurship penetrates in areas which traditionally were been the area either of the charity, or of the State social policy. In case social entrepreneurship will develop dynamically, can it replace the State in solving problems of Social policy? If entrepreneurs as such will become more social responsible, will it diminish the need in Social entrepreneurship? In some Asian and rural societies, there are family and relatives who support each other reciprocally; will it be any place for social entrepreneurship in environments with low level of incomes and dense informal networks?
Hints Read literature carefully, start now! Contact your future co-authors and start negotiating the ideas to enable a quick start during the workshop itself (using related Facebook groups ‘ExploringEntrepreneurship’ and/or European Summer School on Entrepreneurship research, s etc.) Raise related questions to lecturers during the summer school!
Thank you for attention! Enjoy the summer school – and join us next year either in Riga or in Paris… 18