In pairs you are going to complete your work on your stained glass window challenge. You will then evaluate each others work & talk about the skills you have used in this project.
We have to… Replace with own class version from last lesson
To do well in football you need to play by the Fair Play Rules. These mean that: All members of the team consider each other. All members of the team play for each other (its a team effort!) People dont foul each other. Its the team that will do well (or not!) not individual members. The team plays to its strengths. All team members work hard for each other. What do the fair play rules mean for us in our classroom today?
Project review – What you should have already done… You should have completed the design & colouring of your stained glass window for homework. Project update – What you have to do now… You have been contacted by the stained glass window company who have decided that they want to use your stained glass window in a Welsh place of worship that will be visited by tourists. So, they need you to write a short description of your stained glass window design for an information card to go next to your stained glass window. The information card needs to… Briefly introduce the religion that the stained glass window has been designed for. Explain the symbols you have used. Explain why these symbols are important to the religion that your stained glass window is for. Include any other interesting facts. You only have part of todays lesson to complete the information card. The company have also expressed that they want the information card to be eye-catching, colourful & well presented.
Put your stained glass window design & your information card together & pass it to another group. We are going to write evaluations of each others work – Remember to be respectful of each others work whilst still being honest. You now need to look at the design & information card in front of you & imagine that you are the stained glass window company. Answer these questions by looking at the design & information card… 1.Is a religion represented? 2.Does the design use symbols correctly? 3.If words are included are there not too many? 4.Have they been careful to respect Jewish & Islamic beliefs about words & pictures? 5.Is the design eye-catching & interesting? 6.Is the information card completed with information about the religion & the symbols used? 7.Is this a design that youd like to use as a company? Why or why not? Your teacher will also be evaluating your work & choosing the best designs for rewards.
What skills have we used in this project?