Today’s groups Cody Z. Lisa Z. Jalonn B. Jenna P. Ericca F. Mitch H. Candace B. Mike R. Emily B. Brittany J. Matt G. Victoria B. Brittany W. Emily P. Eddie O. Nicole C. Spencer S. Seth T. Lauren N. Amy S. Taylor A. Aaron R. Bana T. Brittany M. Taro O. Hilary D.
Today’s groups Wednesday September 26 Cody Z. Lisa Z. Jalonn B. Jenna P. Ericca F. Mitch H. Candace B. Monday, October 1 Mike R. Emily B. Brittany J. Matt G. Victoria B. Brittany W. Emily P. Wednesday, October 3 Eddie O. Nicole C. Spencer S. Seth T. Lauren N. Amy S. Taylor A. Monday, October 8 Aaron R. Bana T. Brittany M. Taro O. Hilary D.
Proof of random sequencing!
Topic selection Approved by me Academically challenging Must be important and useful for college educated men and women Deliver information not already possessed by the average student – Don’t need to give a speech on how to access campus
Topic selection What are topics that we don’t want?
Topic selection Each person will present their topic to their group For the presenter – What is your topic – Why did you choose the topic? For the rest – Write down strengths and areas of opportunities for the topic – Is it too broad? What can they add to make it better?