This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean cities
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG The Project Towards Building Capacities of the Local and National Authorities to address local sustainable development challenges Duration: 36 months Beneficiaries: Cities/municipalities in ENPI South region
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Purpose Enable partnership between National Authorities and cities To apply more sustainable local policies (similar to those applied through the Covenant of Mayors) By developing (and help implementing) Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs)
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Working with National Authorities dealing with Local Authorities Cities, Local Authorities & Municipal Networks Local populations, civil society, private sector International bodies Members of the Covenant of Mayors
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Foreseen results k 1.Effective Patnerships between National and Local Authorities towards sustainable development 2.Comprehensive plans to solve real problems in renewable energy, energy efficiency, water and waste management, public transport and mobility, sustainable urban planning 3.Increased awareness and involvement of the local population
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG The SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) A city plan to reach sustainability Establish vision and assess needs Prepare plan of intervention Identify funding A capacity building opportunity CES-MED training, networking, benchmarking and technical support
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG The SEAP Process 1.Apply to COM (optional) 2.Prepare and submit the SEAP, with CES- MED support 3.Conduct baseline inventory 4.Identfy funding 5.Implementation 6.Continuous Support and Monitoring by JRC
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Activity 1 Design and implementation of local sustainable actions –Establish partnership of National and Local Authorities –Prepare “National Recommendation reports” –Guidance to funding –Preparation of SEAP through an On the job training approach
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Activity 2 Ensuring the help-desk –Continuous Help Desk assistance –Networking and partnership building –Exposure to benchmark actions
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Activity 3 Information and awareness- raising –A “Citizen’s Awareness Promotion Plan” for each city/municipality –Participation in relevant events –Arabic (trilingual) COM website
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG The Covenant of Mayors ? European movement of local and regional authorities, committing to energy efficiency and renewable energy Associating over 5000 members, each preparing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) Why joining ? Source of advanced experience, potential partnerships, innovative research, technical support
This project is funded by the European Union ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROTECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RIVER BASINS PROJECT EUROPEAID/131360/C/SER/MULTI This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG CLEANER ENERGY SAVING MEDITERRANEAN CITIES EuropeAid/132630/C/SER/MultiR/MULTI This project is funded by the European Union the European Union This project is implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG Progress Training delivered to 18 Municipalities National Reports in preparation SEAP development initiated Municipalities’ current status towards SEAP CES-MED Municipalities: 21 CES-MED Waitlist: 19 Municipalities adhering to the Covenant of Mayors: 18 Municipalities ready to adhere to the Covenant of Mayors: 90