Healthcare Sector Projections Michael Wolf Employment Projection Program PMP Summit June 3, 2014
Overview Healthcare industry output Healthcare industry employment Occupational employment 2
Nominal Output by Industry Sector: Billions of dollars
Nominal Output by Healthcare Sector: Billions of dollars
Real Output Growth by Industry Sector: Projected Annual rate of change
Real Output Growth by Healthcare Sector: Projected Annual rate of change
Employment by Industry Sector: Thousands of wage and salary jobs
Employment by Healthcare Sector: Thousands of wage and salary jobs
Employment Change by Industry Sector: Projected Thousands of wage and salary jobs
Employment Change by Healthcare Sector: Projected Thousands of wage and salary jobs
Rate of Change in Employment by Industry Sector: Projected Annual rate of change for wage and salary employment Total nonagricultural wage and salary annual growth= 1.0%
Rate of Change in Employment by Industry Sector: Projected Annual rate of change for wage and salary employment
Healthcare Sector Employment, 1990-projected
Percent Change in Employment by Major Occupational Group 14 Projected Average, all occupations = 10.8%
Percent Change in Employment by Major Occupational Group 15 Projected Average, all occupations = 10.8%
Employment Change by Major Occupational Group 16 Thousands of jobs, projected
Employment Change by Major Occupational Group 17 Thousands of jobs, projected
Fastest Growing Occupations 18 Percent change, projected Median annual wages, May 2012 $83,580 $19,910 $20,820 $39,170 $45,430 $65,860 $28,220 $53,240 $56,800 $52,160
Median annual wages, May 2012 $19,910 $65,470 $21,110 $20,820 $18,260 $24,420 $32,410 $30,580 $22,320 $29,990 Thousands of jobs, projected Occupations with the Largest Job Growth 19
Contact Information Michael Wolf Branch Chief Employment Projections Program