RSDB Installation & Configuration


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Presentation transcript:

RSDB Installation & Configuration

Now run the RSDB installer. Double click the file named ‘[DTTM]_Install_Survey_Server.exe’

Change the Installation Path, if desired, and click ‘Next’ Click ‘I Agree’ Change the Installation Path, if desired, and click ‘Next’ ** NOTE: Do NOT install RSDB in a path containing a space character, i.e. under “Program Files” or something like it.

Click ‘Install’ The Installer will check for the required version of Java 1.5 If NOT found the Java installer will be run automatically. If found, the installer will continue to its next step.

The installer will now copy all RSDB files to the selected drive. When finished, “Completed” will be shown in the installer window and the Close button will be active. Click ‘Close’ Installation of the AFRL RSDB is now complete.

End RSDB Installation Next you will need to configure the Active Directory (LDAP) login module and start the database & server, then perform some additional e-mail configuration.

Active Directory (LDAP) Login Module Configuration You will need to know: + The IP Address of the machine hosting your Active Directory services + Whether SSL (secure-mode) is enabled for these services + The ‘User Search Base’ path EX: DC=jbi-dev,DC=rl,DC=af,DC=mil + The ‘User Domain’ EX: + The attributes where certain information is stored including: a) Common Name (i.e. Last, First, MI) b) E-Mail Address c) Telephone Number d) Assigned Unit Identifier (i.e. AFRL)

to integrate existing user accounts with the RSDB system. The Active Directory (LDAP) login-module is what controls the authentication process for the RSDB. This needs to be configured to point to your local Active Directory server to integrate existing user accounts with the RSDB system. The login-module is found under the following path: [INSTALLATION-PATH-HERE]\jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\default\conf\login-config.xml This file is written in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) To modify the settings for the RSDB Active Directory integration, find the entry shown below: <!-- RSDB LDAP login module --> <!-- if ssl is enabled (true), url port must change from 389 to 636 --> <application-policy name="JBIDomain"> <authentication> <login-module code="" flag="sufficient"> <module-option name = "url">ldap://</module-option> <module-option name = "userSearchBase">DC=jbi-dev,DC=rl,DC=af,DC=mil</module-option> <module-option name = "userDomain"></module-option> <module-option name = "allowEmptyPasswords">false</module-option> <module-option name = "sslEnabled">false</module-option> <module-option name = "keyStore"></module-option> <module-option name = "commonNameAttr">commonName</module-option> <module-option name = "emailAttr">email</module-option> <module-option name = "phoneAttr">telephoneNumber</module-option> <module-option name = "unitAttr">department</module-option> </login-module> <login-module code="" flag="required"> </authentication> </application-policy>

3.) Next change the “userDomain” to reflect your user domain setting <!-- RSDB LDAP login module --> <!-- if ssl is enabled (true), url port must change from 389 to 636 --> <application-policy name="JBIDomain"> <authentication> <login-module code="" flag="sufficient"> <module-option name = "url">ldap://</module-option> <module-option name = "userSearchBase">DC=jbi-dev,DC=rl,DC=af,DC=mil</module-option> <module-option name = "userDomain"></module-option> <module-option name = "allowEmptyPasswords">false</module-option> <module-option name = "sslEnabled">false</module-option> <module-option name = "keyStore"></module-option> <module-option name = "commonNameAttr">commonName</module-option> <module-option name = "emailAttr">email</module-option> <module-option name = "phoneAttr">telephoneNumber</module-option> <module-option name = "unitAttr">department</module-option> </login-module> <login-module code="" flag="required"> </authentication> </application-policy> 1.) Start by changing the “url” to the IP Address of your local Active Directory server <module-option name = "url">ldap://[YOUR-SERVER-IP-HERE]:389</module-option> 2.) Next change the “userSearchBase” to the one for your specific Active Directory tree <module-option name = "userSearchBase">[YOUR-SEARCH-BASE-HERE]</module-option> 3.) Next change the “userDomain” to reflect your user domain setting <module-option name = "userDomain">@[YOUR-USER-DOMAIN-HERE]</module-option> 4.) Finally change the “commonNameAttr”, “emailAttr”, “phoneAttr”, & “unitAttr” to their respective counterparts within your Active Directory tree, if necessary (some may be the same) <module-option name = "commonNameAttr">[COMMON-NAME-ATTR-ID-HERE]</module-option> <module-option name = "emailAttr">[EMAIL-ATTR-ID-HERE]</module-option> <module-option name = "phoneAttr">[PHONE-#-ATTR-ID-HERE]</module-option> <module-option name = "unitAttr">[UNIT-ID-ATTR-ID-HERE]</module-option> If SSL (secure-mode) is enabled for your Active Directory services: 1.) change the port to 636 <module-option name = "url">ldap://[YOUR-SERVER-IP-HERE]:636</module-option> 2.) change “sslEnabled” to true <module-option name = "sslEnabled">true</module-option>

Starting the RSDB

To start the RSDB server, double click the ‘Run_Apollo_Server To start the RSDB server, double click the ‘Run_Apollo_Server.bat’ file

This will result in 2 windows opening. 1 is the database 1 is the application server Look for the messages circled here to tell you that both have started successfully.

E-Mail Integration This section explains how to set the necessary properties for successful e-mail integration between the AFRL RSDB and your local MS Exchange e-mail server. You will need: + The IP Address of your Exchange E-Mail server + Your exchange server MUST be set to allow SMTP receive of e-mail messages

Open your web browser and go to: https://[IP-ADDRESS-OF-SERVER-HERE]:8443/web-console When asked to proceed, select ‘Yes’

When prompted enter the Administrator user name and password and click ‘OK’. The default password for this account is ‘moniker’

to be run (as shown below) If asked, accept any certificates and allow anything from the ‘JBI Crew’ to be run (as shown below) The web console you are loading is a Java applet and needs your permission to execute, that is why you are being prompted. The IP Address of the machine running the RSDB will appear here

Expand the ‘JMX MBeans’ label. At the top left there will be a ‘System’ label, expand this using the tick mark. If the ‘System’ label does not appear, go to Slide 41 to configure the workflow service manually (will require a restart of the RSDB server). Expand the ‘JMX MBeans’ label.

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the shown choices and expand the label:

Click once on the ‘mil. af. rl. oim. server. sws Click once on the ‘’ entry that appears This loads the settings for the selected service in the main browser area.

Enter the IP or Common Name address of your Exchange E-mail server in the SmtpServerAddress field and click the ‘Apply Changes’ button.

To test the e-mail integration, scroll down and find the method named ‘sendTestMessage()’ Enter a valid e-mail address and click ‘Invoke’ If ‘sendTestMessage()’ FAILS – Go to Slide 23 for Troubleshooting

STOP! Complete the steps detailed on this slide ONLY if the ‘System’ label Failed to appear in the web browser window as shown in Slide 36 1.) Shutdown JBoss and Berkeley by clicking once on the respective windows and hitting CTRL+C 2.) Wait for the message shown below in both windows, type ‘y’ and hit ‘Enter’ 3.) Open the file at this location in a text editor: [INSTALL-PATH-HERE]/jboss-4.2.2.GA/bin/cot/workflow-config.xml Workflow-config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workflow> <ExpiryYearOffset value="5"/> <SmtpServerAddress value=""/> <Password value="moniker"/> <LoggingLevel value="1"/> <CotTypeName value=""/> <CotVersionNumber value="1.0"/> </workflow> 4.) Change the ‘value’ attribute of the ‘SmtpServerAddress’ node to be the address of your SMTP e-mail server 5.) Save and close the file 6.) See slides 23-25 for instructions on how to start the RSDB server 7.) If using this method because the ‘System’ label failed to appear in the web browser, the only way to test the e-mail integration is to publish a new survey as an Author.

Troubleshooting SMTP E-Mail Connectivity AFRL Server McAffee Access Protections Allow Access for Port 25 Exchange Server MS Exchange Allow Anonymous Access Enable No Authentication Add the AFRL Server IP to Relay Mail Allow List

End E-Mail Integration

Workflow Groups The necessary workflow groups will be created the first time the JBoss server is successfully started. Default Groups Authors Ops Intel Reviewers Approvers

End RSDB Configuration