Assignment One Page 1 of 3 Create a list of 10 topics that consist of at least one of the following: passionate about, knowledgeable about, skill, or hobby. Research those 10 topics to find which are selling digital products and which have potential. Research your 10 topics using the methods we taught in the Passion to Profit training such as: keyword research, Clickbank, blogs, forums, magazines,, E-bay, Amazon, Ezine Articles, etc… From your ideas and research do your best to choose the best candidate to move forward with. You have to move forward From this point to dont get stuck here. Being stuck at this point is not acceptable as we are here to help.
Assignment Two Page 1 of 3 What is it that you bring to the Market right now that is something extra that you just do not see the market has, that would benefit your unique Niche Market? Identify one problem that the market is facing in the Niche you have chosen and, how can you best help to solve this problem with products and services you may want to offer. If you are not already, get on the list of at least two top marketers in your desired niche to begin to spy on your competition. Make a list of products and services they are selling, especially digital products. Look for holes that you feel need filled in your chosen Niche. Maybe they have poor support, no use of video, or affiliate Programs, etc…
Page 3 of 3 Note from Rocky Please do not let your homework assignments stop you from moving forward. Finding your Niche seems to stop many… do not let it be you. Do not second guess yourself… just move forward and make something happen, even if it is to just learn the process. Remember if you are having a hard time getting something accomplished…never use the words, I cant do this You must begin right now by saying, I can do this and, I will figure out how to get it accomplished, even if it means asking for help! Enjoy…make it fun.