If everything is on schedule, when you get out to the committee boat you will see a Race Committee flag and an orange flag that marks the committee boat end of the start line. The Sailing Instructions will give details of the start sequence for various classes, but this could be changed by Race Officer. Click
The Class Flag for the first start goes up five minutes before the start and remains up until the start. This is a warning flag only. The Rules of Racing (RRS) don’t kick in for another minute. It is accompanied by one sound signal Click
The P flag goes up four minutes before the start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. This flag will remain up for three minutes Click
The P flag comes down one minute before the start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. The only flag still up is the Class Flag Click
The Class Flag comes down for the first start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. The Class Flag for the second start goes up at this time, five minutes before the second start and remains up until the start. It is accompanied by the same sound signal Click
The P flag goes up four minutes before the second start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. This flag will remain up for three minutes Click
11.09 The P flag comes down one minute before the start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. The only flag still up is the Class Flag. Click
11.10 The Class Flag comes down for the second start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. The Class Flag for the third start goes up five minutes before the start and remains up until the start. It is accompanied by the same sound signal P Click
11.11 P The P flag goes up four minutes before the third start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. This flag will remain up for three minutes. Click
11.14 P The P flag comes down one minute before the start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. The only flag still up is the Class Flag. Click
11.15 The Class Flag comes down for the third start. It is accompanied by a sound signal. The same sequence can be repeated for any more classes. Click
Other signals POSTPONEMENT If things are running late for any reason, including lack of wind or shifting wind direction, the AP pennant will be raised. That's a red and white flag, (the Answering Pennant) There will be two sound signals when the AP is raised. When the AP is lowered, accompanied by one sound signal, it means the normal start sequence will follow in one minute. Click
Other signals INDIVIDUAL RECALL – X flag + one sound signal, immediately after the start signal X: Means that one or more boats have started prematurely. The race committee may, but is not obligated to, inform the guilty boat(s). This flag will be lowered when all premature boats have returned or after 4 minutes, whichever comes first. (No sound signal) Click
Other signals GENERAL RECALL – First substitute + two sound signals, immediately after the start signal. It means that all or most boats have started prematurely. The race committee will restart the sequence one minute after the flag is lowered, accompanied by a sound signal. Click
Other signals L: Ashore, it means that a notice to competitors has been posted. Afloat, it means come within hail or follow me. The notice will be sent out by radio on Ch. 72 VHF It is accompanied by one sound signal Click
Other signals Click When the ‘ W ’ flag is flown before the start, there will be a buoy placed approx 1 nm to windward. This mark will become the first mark of the course. The red or green flags flown together with the ‘W’ flag indicate the side this mark needs to be passed on. Leave windward mark to Starboard
Other signals Click When the ‘ W ’ flag is flown before the start, there will be a buoy placed approx 1 nm to windward. This mark will become the first mark of the course. The red or green flags flown together with the ‘W’ flag indicate the side this mark needs to be passed on. Leave windward mark to Port
Other signals Click C: This flag means, "The course has been changed.“ Look for compass heading to a new mark. Sound signal – repeating bell or whistle.
Other signals Click N: This flag means, "The race has been abandoned." It will be accompanied by 3 sound signals. Competitors return to start area. A new start sequence will begin 1 minute after the ‘N’ flag is lowered with one sound signal.
Other signals Click N: flag; flown above the A: flag means that Racing has been abandoned for the day. It will be accompanied by 3 sound signals.
Other signals Click Don’t forget to thank the race officer when you finish KIRAFIKI