Future tense: regular forms In general, the future tense is formed by adding future tense endings to the infinitive. Here are the future tense endings with examples:
Future tense: irregular forms PersonFuture tense ending Example yo-écomeré I'll eat tú-áshablarás you'll speak él / ella-á entenderá he/she'll understand nosotros, -as-emos caminaremos we'll walk vosotros, -as-éis esperaréis you'll wait ellos / ellas-án irán they'll go
Future tense: regular forms As elsewhere in the language, the usted form follows the él/ella form, and the ustedes form the ellos/ellas form. Notice that: these endings are very similar to the present tense of haber; the future tense ending is always accented (no written accent is needed on –emos.
Future tense: regular forms Most Spanish verbs are completely regular as far as the future tense goes. A handful of verbs have irregular forms. However: They are only irregular as far as the stem (the bit that the endings are added to) is concerned. The future tense endings are still the same.future tense endings
Future tense: irregular forms Spanish verbs with irregular future stems.
VerbFuture stem Example future tense form caber (to fit)cabr- cabrá it'll fit decir (to say)dir- dirá que... he/she'll say that... hacer (to do, make)har- lo haré mañana I'll do it tomorrow poder (to be able to)podr- ¿podrás? will you be able to? poner (to put, get/make 1 ) pondr- lo pondré en la mesa I'll put it on the table nos pondremos de acuerdo we'll agree a time (etc)
VerbFuture stem Example future tense form querer (to want, love)querr- querrán venir they'll want to come saber (to know)sabr- Raul sabrá Raul will know ¿sabrás qué hora es? would you know what time it is? 2 salir (to leave, go out)saldr- saldré mañana I'll go out tomorrow tener (to have, have to) tendr- tendré dinero I'll have some money tendrás que preguntar you'll have to ask valer (to be worth)valdr- valdrá la pena it'll be worth it
VerbFuture stem Example future tense form querer (to want, love)querr- querrán venir they'll want to come saber (to know)sabr- Raul sabrá Raul will know ¿sabrás qué hora es? would you know what time it is? 2 salir (to leave, go out)saldr- saldré mañana I'll go out tomorrow tener (to have, have to) tendr- tendré dinero I'll have some money tendrás que preguntar you'll have to ask valer (to be worth)valdr- valdrá la pena it'll be worth it
VerbFuture stem Example future tense form venir (to come)vendr- vendremos we'll come haber (to have -en/- ed) habr- hab rá terminado he/she'll have finished