1 Social Struggle Media Encoding Audience Decoding Common Sense/Cultural Power Media Appropriation Ritual Consumption Acceptance Negotiation Resistance Code Map Template Hegemony/
A Deep Code Individualism Work Prosperity Intergenerational Progress
3 Minstrelsy T.D. Rice as Jim Crow
4 Minstrelsy as Social Struggle When I got out I hit a man His name I now forgot, But dere was nothing left Sept a little grease spot Jim Crow Verse When I got out I hit a man His name I now forgot, But dere was nothing left Sept a little grease spot Jim Crow Verse I went down de riber, I didnt mean to stay, But dere I see so many galls, I couldnt get away Jim Crow Verse I went down de riber, I didnt mean to stay, But dere I see so many galls, I couldnt get away Jim Crow Verse
5 Minstrelsy as Hegemony
6 What did it mean when a black man played a minstrel? William Henry Lane Master Juba
7 / Is Snoop Dogg a modern day minstrel?
8 TheCommodification of a Racial Code
9 Black labor functions as the spectacular mirror [and foil] of [an] ideal consuming [american] Mehaffy (pp )